Meeting someone New at Dinner

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Word count: 3,014. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Tyler and I are laying on her bed relaxing. Just talking about anything and everything. It's 4:30 and we should probably start getting ready.

"Hey Tyler can we get ready at my mom's house since the flannel I want to wear tonight is at my dad's." I ask pleadingly because I really want to wear that flannel. It's light blue and white.

"Yeah sure but I'm going in with you. If he's at the house" she responds getting up from the bed and walking to her closet.

"No you aren't. I'll handle it if he is there. Just wait outside in your car. I just need to grab the flannel and that's it. Oh and my hat. But that's it." I say arguing.

She grabs her shirt and starts heading downstairs. "Fine but if you're in there longer than 10 minutes. Then I'm going on there"

I just nod as we walk to the car. As soon as she starts the car, I get a twitter notification saying that Megan Rapinoe just posted something. 'Getting ready has never been so tiring. #meeting2newpeople #firstimpressions. ' I smile to myself and read it to Tyler. Then I check Ashlyn's next. She tweeted 'Thank you so much @ TWLOHA for the WWSPD shirt. I'm wearing it to dinner tonight'. Twitter is to awesome. As I'm about to turn my phone off I get a post notification from instagram saying that Kelley just posted a photo. It was a pic of me helping her up off the ground from when we first met. The caption said 'Ash and Tobin left me to die on the ground. But luckily for me. My new best friend Peyton saved me. Thanks Peyton you're the best. Can't wait to have dinner tonight😘. Wear something blue so that we can match 😉'

"She's so cute" I say out loud. Not meaning too.

"Who is? Me? I know thank you"
Tyler says trying to be funny.

"Nope. Not you. But Kelley O'Hara is" I say with a smirk.

"Ouch" Tyler says as she puts a hand over her heart.

I just ignore her and comment on Kelley's post saying ' You are very welcome Kel 😘. I've got you're back unlike the other two. Can't wait to see you in a few.'

When we pull up in my driveway Tyler opens up instagram and immediately goes to Kelley's.

"Well someone was a little flirty. And someone decided to flirt back" Tyler says with an eyebrow raised.

"She was not..." im immediately cut off by Tyler putting her hand over my mouth. She then continued to type on her phone. I notice I got a follow request and see it's from Kelley. Without hesitation I accept. Then I see that Tyler mentioned me in a comment. It was on Kelley's pic. '@ pkpeyton24 is not that nice. Idk who that is or what you could have done to her.'

"I'm going inside. I'll be quick. My dad's car isn't here. So don't worry" I say as I step out of the car and towards the familiar house.

I walk in and it looks like a mess. I guess it's because I wasn't here last night to clean it up. I walk into the kitchen and see empty liquor bottles all over the counter and in the sink. It's truly disgusting. I'm not even gonna make it known that I was here. I walk up the stairs slowly and see clothes all over the hallway. I didn't think it could get worse over one night of me being gone.

I walk in to my room and see it's a total mess. My blankets and clothes are everywhere. Drawers have been taken out, my dresser has been tipped over. My lamp is broken. All of my picture frames are broken too, so there's glass everywhere. What the fuck did my dad do. My posters have been ripped off the walls. I cannot bare to be in here any longer. I decide I'm just going to get the flannel and take off.

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