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31st October 1981.

"Dumbledore please. Please I beg you to find mercy. He's going to kill her, he won't stop until the baby is dead." The pale man with the long nose falls to his knees pleading with the elderly man in front of him.

Thunder claps above the two men, wind whipping their robes backwards and forwards as it screeches into their ears. The dark grey sky looms over them casting long shadows within the forest behind them.

Snape stands cowering with his body shaking from the cold, Dumbledore however stands tall and powerful his back straight and his shoulders strong. His face as stony as the rocks beneath him, his blue eyes a bright beacon in the darkness surrounding him.

"But why do you care Severus surely it isn't just Lily Potter you care about. There's something else isn't there?" Dumbledore's face holds a coldness only reserved for those he truly condemns.

Snape flinches under his gaze as he grasps his hand tightly around his wand. "It's the baby girl, I worry he will kill her. He has lost all sense of humanity, I don't think he has any control left."

Snape groans loudly and looks to the man in front of him with desperation, "please I care for her. I care for her so deeply she has made me see the light again. I will do anything, I will help you, I will infiltrate and spy, I will do anything and everything it takes to keep them both safe. Lily and the baby girl." Snape's eyes begin to water as he clutches at his hair violently.

"I do not know if I can help the girl, there are spells in place that keep her locked in that house. There is dark magic keeping her away from us. The only hope of getting her out is if the Dark Lord himself perishes." Dumbledore turns to walk away waving his hand and extinguishing the lights around the two men.

Snape stays bent over on the floor feeling deflated as he whimpers out "but that will never happen no one is powerful enough to kill him."

"We shall see, there is still hope yet" the eldest man of the two replies before disapparating away.

Ten years later.

Light. That is all I see before me. I am laying down on my back staring up at orbs of light. I lift my hand and see it as a babies hand with a round pink palm and small stodgy fingers.

I reach out with my arm trying to grab at the balls of light, they dance just out of my grasp as if taunting me. It's like they are purposely slipping between my fingers and moving out of the way.

Annoyed I clench my fist ready to give up when suddenly a pair of warm hands slide under my arms lifting me.

I am pressed against a soft chest dark hair blocking my view.

"Hello my little Angel, how are you today?"

The hair shifts and suddenly I am staring back into a pair of kind, warm brown eyes. My mother. I reach out again trying to touch her face, trying to memorize it.

Just as I feel my hand about to touch her soft cheek I'm jolted awake by someone shaking my shoulder.

"Angelica! Angie wake up!" I open my blue eyes and look into the emerald green ones of my twin brother.

"Huh? What do you want Harry?" My tone is annoyed as I glare across at him.

Harry gestures towards the closed bedroom door "I'm sorry! But it's Dudley he's on his way up and he's hell bent on waking you up by hitting you with his new cricket bat."

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