Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I raced through the forest with a hoard of zombies chasing after me, or known as Walkers, Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! What do I do? I thought, panicking. The zombies started to multiply and I was starting to lose energy.

I tripped on a tree root and fell face-first to the ground. I looked up behind me as the walkers came closer. I covered myself with my bag and waited for my defeat. But it didn't come.

I looked up and saw a person in a black cloak, with a (R/C) hood covering his face, was killing the zombies with a machete. When the last zombie died, he turned and looked at me. He gasped when he saw me

"(Y/N) is that really you?" He asked I've heard this voice before.

I nodded. "Who are you?" I asked looking at him. He removed his hood and Mark was standing there. Not any Mark. Markiplier "Mark?" I asked. Mark nodded his head, his red hair bounced as he nodded his head.

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around me. "It's so nice to see you again," Mark said, as he let go. I moved my (H/C) hair out of my face.

"How long has it been?" Mark asked.
"Almost 3 years," I replied looking around
"Are you surviving the apocalypse by yourself?" I asked.
"No, Jack and I are in a group," Mark replied 
"Can I join you guys for a few days? Then I'll be on my way." I asked.
"Sure, We'll talk about it. Are you sure you want to?" Mark asked.
 "Yeah, we'll be fine seeing each other again. Besides, I don't think he remembers me." I replied, adjusting my bag around my shoulder.
"Oh, he remembers you," Mark said in a weird voice.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Ever since the zombie apocalypse broke out, you're all he could talk about. Always saying that he would do anything to see you one last time.  He always said he loved you, Ever since the breakup he said he cared about you." Mark answered. I didn't believe it. I shook my head.
"Jack said he hates me. He wished he never met me. I highly doubt he still cares about me." I replied.
"You wait and see, he'll freak out when he sees you," Mark said.
"Let's just go," I said. "Follow me," Mark said as he just started to walk away, I following behind him.


Mark led me to a small camp, with a small fire, an RV, a canopy, and a fence of metal around 10ft tall, surrounding the base.  "Stay here," Mark ordered me.
"Ok." I nodded and hid behind a tree, But peeked out to watch Mark.


I walked out of the RV and saw Mark walk through the gate and closed it behind him.
"Hey, Mark did you find anything?" I asked, I wanted to ask if he found (Y/N) but there's no use he always said no.

"Yeah I did," Mark pulled out of his bag and pulled out a sniper rifle, some canned beans, ammo and water bottles.  "I found these in an abandoned store, and also I found something else that might surprise you."

I was confused about something that might surprise you. what does he mean? I asked myself, confusingly. Then Mark called out a name I recognized.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"(Y/N)!" Mark called out. I took a heavy breath, and walked out from behind the tree and walked towards the gate. I opened it and closed it behind me. Jack stared at me as he had just seen a ghost.

I walked up next to Mark. Jack and I just stared at each other, in complete silence "Are you guys gonna say something?" Mark broke the silence. Jack cleared his throat
"How have you been, (Y/N)" Jack said barely getting his words out.
"I've been better, how about you?" I replied. 
"I've been good," Jack said.

Mark cleared his throat.
"(Y/N) Isn't there something you want to ask Jack?" Mark asked.
"Can I stay with you guys for a couple of days?"
"Of course stay as long as you want," Jack suggested 
"I'll stay here at least 3 days, then I'll be on my way," I said as I walked away to sit at the campfire. The midnight breeze made me shiver, I sat down on a log.

Jack came walking over to me and sat down beside me, and let out a silent sigh, I scooted over to the other side of the log. Jack looked away and then looked at the ground. Mark walked over and sat on the other log and looked at Jack.
"Jack your on night-watch tonight," He said.
"Ok, you guys can go to bed. I'll stand watch." Jack replied as he got up.

"(Y/N) follow me." Mark said as he got up to go the RV. I got up and followed him. Mark turned on the light.
"I know it's Jack's bed but you can sleep there. This is the kitchen, bathroom and then the beds. It's snug but It'll do." Mark said, yawning. 

"OK, thanks, Mark," I said as I grabbed some pyjamas, from my bag, and went into the bathroom stall and changed. Mark got into his bed and went to sleep, I finished and turned the lights off. I crawled into bed, realizing how tired I was, I curled up and went to sleep. 

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