Chapter 23 ~~ More Fun

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(y/n) and I slowly opened a tent. Inside was Ethan, Mark, Felix and Wade. (y/n) looked at me.

"On the count of three, we scream at the top of our lungs. I crouched over the top of Mark and she crouched over the top of Ethan.

(y/n) looked at me again. "One...Two..." She whispered.

"Three!" I finished.

We both screamed our heads off, Mark, Ethan, Felix and Wade all jumped and screamed also. Their faces were all priceless, (y/n) and I both fell over laughing.

Ethan looked at me. "Why would you do that??" He asked.

Mark looked over at  (y/n) "(y/n)? Your back?" He gasped.

She nodded but we were both still laughing. Soon Ethan, Wade, Felix and Mark join in laughing. (y/n) looked at Mark, he got up and walked over to her.

"I'm so glad you're OK," Mark said as he gave her a hug, Ethan, Wade and Felix were standing behind Mark. Mark let go and Ethan hugged her.

"Well I'm not exactly better, but I feel better," (y/n) said looking at Ethan.

"You know what I meant," Ethan said, then laughed, We joined in.

"Now it's my turn," I said giving (y/n) a hug. She laughed and so did I. I let go and stood next to (y/n). Mark unzipped the tent.

"I'm gonna look for some food," I looked at him.

"I'm coming with," I said about to leave the tent.

"Wanna help, (y/n)," I asked her.

"Sure," (y/n) said as she went outside with me.


I went with Jack and Mark outside to find some food. I looked in the tents by the fire, and this is the place where we kept our stuff. Then I found the two bags that the person left here. I looked in the smallest bah first, basically, everything was gone. so I checked the other one, which was bigger. I looked in it there was a bag with a lock on it.

"Mark, Jack come here!" I called out, Mark and Jack came running towards me. I took the bag out.  Mark and Jack crouched down next to me.

"What did you fi- how did you find that?" Mark asked me confused.

"I found it in there," I said pointing to the large bag.

"What's inside?" Jack asked me. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Well lil Jackaboy," I booped his nose. "I was about to find out," I unlocked it and opened it. There was a loaf of bread, canned pork, canned beans, and some jelly beans.

"Are those jelly beans?!" Jack asks as he rips them out of my hands.

"Yeahhhh," I replied a minute or two later.

"That's a score for us. More food," Mark said.

"Oh my gosh! They have cake and ice cream flavours!" Jack yelled Mark and I covered our ears.

"Mark calm your overjoyed friend," I said.

"Calm your boyfriend," Mark replied chuckling.

"I don't get calm!" Jack shouted as he jumped out of the tent and into the one we sleep in.

"There goes Jack," Mark sighed.

"Hope the rest of the group doesn't want any jelly beans... by the time we reach the tent they're gonna be gone," I said, Mark, nodded. We got out of the tent and walked back up the hill.

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