Chapter 29 ~~ Explaining Everything

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I watched Mark and Sam.

Not like a stalker... but I just glanced their way every now and then.

Mark still had his arms around her waist and was looking around the forest. I could tell he liked her, and by Sam's face she was either enjoying it or doesn't know about it.

We continued walking until I heard a scream, everybody looked around. Suddenly I was being hugged by Marzia.

"Why did you take off? I thought I would never see you again!" She shouted, hugging me tighter.

"I had to sorry," I said pulling away.

Mark got off the Elk and hugged Felix. Sam stayed on the Elk having no idea what was happening.

Jack put an arm around me as everybody greeted each other, I leaned over to him.

"Umm... who is that?" Ethan asked looking at Sam.

"Guys, this is Sam, my other little sister," I introduced her.

She waved at everybody while looking down.

"So Mark? Where do we go now?" Jack asked.

Mark looked away, "Ummm... Let's continue going one way. And see what we find," He said walking away from the abandoned town.

Jack and I got on Sven, Mark got on an Elk he called Tim, Felix got on one he named Edgar because his pugs are back home in Sweden. Ethan hopped on one he named Azure, Marzia hopped on one she named Maya. Sam stayed on the Elk she rode on getting out of the town.

We started walking, Mark was first, Sam behind him, Marzia behind her, Jack and I were next to Sam, Ethan on the other side and Felix next to Marzia.

I looked around only seeing trees until we ended up into a meadow. That's when I felt something land on my shoulder. I already knew what it was, Jack.

"Jack, What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sorry," he picked his head up off my shoulder, "I'm just tired," He said yawning.

"Then go to sleep," I replied getting off Sven and walking beside him.

"But then you have to walk, and I don't want you too, I don't need to sleep," Jack said.

"Jack. Go to sleep!" I said.

"Fine," He sighed turning around and laying back.

Once he was asleep I walked over to Sam. She walks looking down, with her hood over her head. "Hey, you OK?" I ask bumping her arm.

She nodded. "I'm just a bit nervous around new people?"

"Since when have you been nervous? I don't remember you being like that," I said looking at her.

"We haven't seen each other in 18 years, (y/n), how can you remember? I'm only nervous because I don't trust these people. How can you trust people in the Zombie Apocalypse?" She asked.

"Oh.... You don't to be nervous. I trust these people with my life, I know I can trust them. They've saved me plenty of times and I've saved them," she asked.

"Ok you can trust them, but I still don't," She leans down, "especially that one," she whispers pointing Mark.

She didn't feel comfortable with him. "It's ok, he's a good guy, How did you escape? And how did you know about Grace?" I asked.

"I met her when you moved away and she told me where you went. And what do you mean escape?" She asked looking over at me

"When you were 6 and I was 8, you were taken away from me, I went to school and got a diploma. Then when he left one day, I ran away. I got a job and lived on the streets for about 2 years until I could afford to go to college. After college, I came here, but the Apocalypse broke out and I survied. Then here we are," Sam explained.

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