Chapter 26 ~~ New Friends.

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I closed my eyes, and Jack did too. He lay on me as the zombies piled on us and around. The arrows on my back were making it extremely uncomfortable.

Then I heard a gun shot, I opened my eyes. I looked at Mark, he was getting a pistol out. Then I heard more gun shots, I saw that Ethan and Felix were shooting at the zombies hoarding over us.

I heard grunting noises and looked at Jack, he was trying to push the zombies off us. I helped Jack by zombies, I pushed the zombies over and took an and a zombie in the head.

I looked at Jack, he killed some zombies by kicking them with his foot. I looked at Mark then Ethan and Ethan.

"Thank you," I said to them.

"Don't Thank us yet," Mark said reloading his pistol.

I look over and see a whole wave of zombies running at us. Zombie Wade was leading them, he looked taller and weirder.

Suddenly he opens his mouth and starts to slowly walk over to me, I blinked and saw Wade wrapping his arms around my arms and waist. He pulls me up to him.

I start to scream. I was in too much shock and started to scream. "(y/n)!" I hear Jack shout, he tries to run for me but he wasn't fast enough. Marzia jumped out of the tree and tried to run after me but Felix held her back.

Mark pulled out his assault rifle and shoots Wade. His arms loosened and he fell to the ground, I picked myself up and looked behind me. The horde was running at me, about 15 yards away.

I take off running for the group, suddenly a zombie jumped at me pinning me down by the legs. I rollover having the zombies underneath me as I break it in half.

The zombie horde was now about 10 yards. I tried to get up but something grabbed me. I look behind me. I look behind me to see Jack picking me up as the group takes off running.

I put my feet down as Jack let's go, I take off running with him by my side. The zombies were much slower than us, we ran through the forest but then we didn't notice the ravine below us.

None of us noticed it because we all went tumbling down it.  Jack was quick thinking at the time, he hugged me as went down. We went tumbling down into the water.

Once we had stopped, Jack let go and I helped him up, I looked around. Mark was on the other side of the ravine already.

"Mark, how did you-" I didn't finish, Mark looked at me.

"Don't ask," Mark said smiling and looking up, probably trying to find a way out. I dried my hair with my clothes, and walked to Mark, Jack following me. I stopped right next to Mark and looked up with him, Ethan, Marzia and Felix behind us.

"Got any ideas," Mark asked us.

"Can we climb up?" Jack asked.

"I don't think we can, the walls are too smooth and we don't have the equipment," Mark said with his arms crossed, still looking up.

I looked around behind us. I see a vine that went to the ground to the surface. I nudged Jack and Mark and pointed at the vine, they turned around.

"Bingo," I said as we walked toward the vine.

"Good eye," Jack said looking at me and smiling. I smiled back.

"I'll try," I said kissing him on the cheek. He kissed my back. He put an arm around me and I put an arm on his shoulder.

"Guys, there's a way out!" Mark shouted, everybody, got up and walked with us. Mark went up to the vine and pulled on it, it didn't break. Mark looked at us, then looked at me.

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