Chapter 20 -- Everything Changes

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"Ok we should head this way," Mark said, pointing in the direction of the town Jack and I explored.

"No Mark, that is a death hazard. (y/n) and I explored there. There's nothing but zombies," Jack explained to Mark.

"Which way is best then?" I asked.How about  He had an arm around Marzia.

"How about that way?" Marzia asked. Pointing behind her. The opposite direction of the town.

"We've never explored over there before," "It's worth a shot,"

Wade, Ethan, Felix and Dan were killing the last of the giant horde. They all walked over to us.

"What's happening?" Ethan asked.

"We're moving. Let's go," Mark said.

Everybody picked up their bags and we started walking. I held Grace's hand and Jack's hand as we walked. My crossbow and the arrows were around my shoulder and my machete was on my side.

We walked through the forest for an hour or so before we sat down to eat something. Everyone ate peanut butter and jellies while I ate some bread. Then we moved on, once it started getting dark we stopped and put up a camp.

Mark and Felix got firewood, Jack and I got some bushes and flattened them like Jack did when I went off exploring then got hurt. Marzia was teaching Grace how to start a fire. Dan, Wade and Ethan had weapons and were patrolling the area. Once in awhile, I would find Dan staring at me, sometimes he smirked.

Once everybody was settled in Jack and Felix volunteered to go on night-shift. Marzia sat in a bed by herself, so did Ethan, Mark and Wade. Grace and I shared a bed.

"Goodnight (y/n)," Jack said, as he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight," I said as he walked away. I laid down next to Grace.

"Goodnight (y/n)" Grace yawned.

"Goodnight Grace," I said giving her a kiss on the forehead. I hugged her and she hugged me tighter.

I started to drift asleep when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. I look behind me and I see Dan. "Dan!" I shout pushing him away from me.

"What?" He asked.

"What are you doing? Why are you playing dumb with me?" I demand sitting up, without walking Grace or anyone else.

"You shivered so I came to lay down with you, so I could keep you warm. You should be Thanking me," He scoffed.

"(y/n)!" I could hear an Irish accent yell, I could tell Jack was running up to us.

"He claims he saw me shiver when I didn't, so he came to lay down with me," I say before Dan could say anything.

"Leave her alone Dan. If I have to come back, you're gonna regret it," Jack said as he let go of Dan.

Dan got up and lay down in his own bed. Jack sat down beside me. "I'm gonna sit down right here, so he doesn't try that again," Jack said glaring at Dan, even though Dan's eyes were closed.

"Thanks Jack," I yawned as I lay down. I fell asleep to Jack playin with my hair.


I woke up to the sunshine blinding me. I open my eyes and lean up, only to be pulled down by Jack.

He scared me at first but then I relaxed. Jack had his arms wrapped around my waist and his head resting above my head.

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