Chapter 12

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I woke up the next morning, the sunshine blinding me. I yawn and look over at Grace. She was hugging my arm very tightly, but she was still sleeping.

I look around Mark, Felix, Dan and Phil were laying on the ground. Jack wasn't in his bed, he must be outside. I gently put Grace on my other side and I got up. My leg sends a little bit of pain through my body but I could still walk. I stretched and quickly changed, without the boys waking up.

I looked out the window and saw Jack walking around. I quickly walk over and eat some whipped cream. It doesn't fill me but I don't care. I quickly got out and slowly shut the door behind me, it didn't make a sound.

The sun was shining and the wind was picking up. The cut on my leg was slowly healing, but I kept the bandage on anyways. The cuts on my head were barely visible.

I slowly limped behind Jack, he didn't hear me coming. I touched his side, just a quick jab. He jumped and turned around, he looked terrified.

The look on his face made me burst out laughing.

Once he realized that it's me, he starts laughing. "Oh my gosh! That was priceless if only I had a camera!" I laughed. "I'm glad you don't have a camera!" Jack said, laughing.

We stopped laughing after a while. "So is everybody up or no?" Jack asked.

"No, they're all lazy and won't get up" I joked.

"Did you try to get them up?" Jack asked.

I looked down. "No" I mumble.

"Well, I see your foot is getting better," Jack said.

I looked down at it. "Yeah, but I had to limp over here to scare you" I replied, putting my hands in my pockets.

"So what even happened? Where did the Hulk Zombie come from?" Jack ask.

"Um... I don't know really... I was walking and I was flung into the air. I hit a tree and messed up my leg, I dropped my assault rifle when I was in the air. I got up to run but I immediately fell down, my leg was bleeding and it really hurt. Next thing I know the Hulk Zombie was throwing me into trees and then you saved me," I explained to him.

"Oh and you said you were fine," He teased.

"Hey, I didn't see it coming," I replied.

"Have you seen one of those?? How did you not see it coming!" Jack yelled, laughing

"Because I'm legally blind!" I yelled closing my eyes and reaching my arms out pretending I'm blind. I looked around but my eyes were closed, I started laughing at myself. I was probably looking like an idiot.

Jack started laughing, "Well I can help," He said.

I felt him open my eyes with his thumbs. "Better?" He asked.

"Better!" I said in a childish voice.

He took his hands off my face as we both burst out laughing. "Snicker's help everything!" Jack said as he took a breath from laughing too hard. I stopped laughing and was breathing heavily.

"I forgot how funny we are together," Jack said.

"I know" I replied, "It's been too long."

"(Y/N) can we please date again?" Jack asked all of a sudden. "I miss spending time with you. I want to see you every day, just like we used to. I want to protect you from dangers, I want to do everything with you. I want to be here for you. Please, can we start over?" Jack said.

I sighed. I want to be with him, but I want to make sure he is trustworthy. Last time I thought I was in love but obviously I wasn't. We wouldn't be in this mess of a relationship if I had stayed home with him that night.

"Jack, I would love to be with you. But I want to make sure I can trust you. Last time I thought I could count on you. I don't want to make the same mistake this time." I said still looking down.

"If you say you'll be my girlfriend again. I'll never get mad at you, I'll never give up on you. If you need a shoulder to cry on, cry on my shoulder. If you need someone talk to you, don't even ask me just to talk. If you need someone to be there, I'll be there, I'll always be there for you." Jack said at this point he was almost crying. He was really desperate.

"Jack you don't need to cry and do anything for me," I said, as I wipe his tears. "You don't need to me impress me to make me fall for you....." I paused for a moment trying not to cry.

"Because I've already fallen...." I finally finished, at this moment I was crying on his shoulder.

He looked down at me. "Is that a Yes?" He asked me, hope filling his ocean blue eyes, I nodded. He gasped and pulled me into a tight hug.

I only agreed to start over because all of what we've been through, he tried to protect me. And he succeeded. I might have some scars and scratches but I'm still alive and that's all that matters. And I tried to protect him, he would do anything to save me. But if there is a time where he has to choose me or his family, I hope to god that he chooses his family. It's always family over friends or girlfriend/boyfriend and I don't want to stand in the way of Jack and his family. If they are even alive.

Jack and I were hugging for a while, that is until we heard the door open and close. We both pulled apart and look and saw Mark walking up to us.

"So is this a hug reunion?" Mark asked.
"You could say it a reunion but not for hugging," I replied.
He looked confused. "What?"
"We're gonna try again," Jack said putting an arm around my neck.
"Mark still looked confused. Jack and I sighed. "We're dating again," I said.
"Ohh... about time!" Mark said putting his arms in the air.

Jack and I just laughed.

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