Chapter 43

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I crouched down beside Anti and shook his shoulder gently.

"Anti?" I whispered.

He opened his eyes and I helped him stand up, quietly.

"Is that Dan?" Anti whispered.

I nod. He looks over and starts walking towards Dan. Anti pulls out a knife from his pocket. Dan stood up and turns around to make me do something, but see's Anti.

"What are you?!" Dan screeched, holding a gun.

"Your worst nightmare!" Anti says smiling and swings his knife at Dan.

Dan shoots Anti, but Anti doesn't flinch. I cross my arms and lean against the wall watching.

"(y/n)! Help me!" Dan shouts. I just smile at him.

"What can she do?" Anti laughs.

"I am offended Anti!"  I joke, putting a hand on my chest.


Anti swings at Dan, cutting him in the arm. Dan shouts and shoots Anti again, but Anti keeps coming at him. Anti laughs as he cuts Dan across the face, Dan holds his face and shoots Anti again but doesn't hit him.

Suddenly the door burst open, Jack ran in with an assault rifle. "Jack!" I shout happily.

When I was distracted, Dan pointed his gun at me and shot it. Anti jumped in front of me and blocked it. Dan kicked Anti away and pointed his gun, I closed my eyes waiting to accept my fate.

But I was pushed out of the way. I open my eyes and I saw Jack get shot, he hit the wall and slid down to the ground. "Jack!" I shout, my eyes watering.

Dan looked over and smiled, but before he could shoot me, a knife burst through his side it looked like it missed all of his organs, thankfully. I take off the sweatshirt I was wearing and wrapped it around Jack's waist.

"Anti! We need to get Jack out of here!" I shouted and looked up at him.

Anti ran over and carefully pick Jack up. "Let's go," He said. I get up and run out the door, Anti followed behind me. The sun was already setting, the sky was dark orange, red and a bit of pink. We ran in the darkness for awhile. I had to stop because I was out of breath.

Anti stopped behind me, breathing heavily. "Where to now?"

"Let me take a breath quickly," I said, falling to my knees.

Anti nodded and kept standing. The sun continued setting and it went completely dark. I got up, "Ok we shou-" I was cut off by groaning. I look around and I could see zombies, I took a step back.

"Umm....Anti...I don't have a weapon. Jack left his gun at that cabin and we are surrounded by zombies....what do we do?" I asked.

"I left my knife....but I do have this," Anti said, he pulled out a silver object.

"What's that?" I asked taking a step closer to what it was.

"A pipe bomb. Duck!" Anti said.

He pressed a button and threw it, the zombies took off after it. Anti grabbed me and turned away from it, he was a shield for Jack and I.

An explosion went off. Anti let go of me and turned around, I looked too. There were no more zombies, they all exploded. There were a few small fires burning the grass. I quickly step on them.

"Let's go," I said and started walking through the meadow to get to our house.

We didn't run into any zombies after that, we ran down the road and walked into our house. I led Anti upstairs and he put Jack on the bed, I ran over and picked up the First Aid Kit, T take my sweatshirt off Jack's waist and I put it back on.

I sat on my knees and put some healing gel in the hole and Jack tenses and I touch it, even more, making him groan. "Anti hold him down," I ordered.

"Ok," Anti said.

Anti lay on top of Jack and pinned him down by the shoulders. Jack groaned and tried to get up. "Anti! Get off me!" Jack said clenching his teeth.

"No! (y/n) needs you to stay still!" Anti growled at him.

Jack immediately stopped at the sound of my name. I got more gel and put it over the top of his wound, then put a bandage over his waist.

"Ok...You're good Anti..." I said and stood up.

Anti got off Jack and stood up next to me. "This will save him, right? You do realize if he dies, I have two lives at risk,"

"I was a doctor for 3 years....It'll save him," I said "Oh and Anti?"

"Yeah?" He looked over at me.

I put my arms around him and hug him. "Thank you for helping us out," I said and put my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me for a gentle hug.

"No problem (y/n).....I can see why you're so important to Jack," He said and hugs me tighter.

We pull apart and I walk downstairs. I go to the kitchen and cook some beans for Jack and Anti. I wasn't that hungry. Even though Dan kicked me in the stomach multiple times, I wasn't hungry.

I walk up the stairs with two plates full of beans, I walk into the room. "Here you go," I hand Anti one plate.

Jack wasn't awake, so my guess was, he was sleeping. I put the plate on a beside table and held his wrist. I checked his pulse, he was alive still. Thank god!


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