Chapter 19 -- Zombie Invasion

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Zombies were piling up at the door, even more were coming into the camp. I look out the window one last time then back at the group, everybody was panicking

Marzia and Grace were screaming, Dan was underneath the table rocking back and forth. I looked over and Jack was passed out on the ground. I crouched down next to him. How did I not see him fall? Or even hear him?  for that matter.

"(y/n)!" Mark asked as he ran over to me, I stood up and looked at him, "How bad is... oh..." He started saying as he looked out the window.

"Mark, We've got to leave. We can't stay here for long, there's more coming. More will come and then Hulk Zombies will come. We can't keep fighting like this," I said looking out of the window.

Mark sighed. "Your right we'll leave. But we fight for our land first, once we can't handle it. We'll leave,"  Mark announced he turned back to the group. "Everybody calm down!!" Mark yelled, everybody stopped and turned to Mark.

"We've stayed here long enough. The zombies are gonna keep coming and coming, we need to leave," Mark announced. "So pack up everything important, as soon as we open this door we're not coming back,"

"Once this door is, all hell is breaking loose. Get prepared, once everybody's ready we'll leave," Mark finished as everybody got up and started packing.

I crouched down next to Jack again, I gently shook his shoulder. "Jack?" I asked. I  shook him less gently "Jack!" I shouted. His  eyes shot open, "(y/n)?" Jack asked, "I had this terrible dream... There were zombies invading the camp,"

"Umm Jack... That wasn't a dream," I said.

Jack got up and looked out the window, "So I wasn't dreaming..."  He sighed.

"OK let's go we need to pack everything important," I said as I ran over and grabbed my bag and started piling old clothing in it.

I pushed past Ethan and grabbed my food, I put the half a loaf of bread in my bad along with 2 full containers of whipped cream. There was one last can of pork, so I grabbed it and put it in my bag. I zipped it up, put it on my back and looked around/

Dan was collecting his and Phil's old stuff. Wade, Ethan, and Felix were putting their bags on them, Marzia was packing things with Grace. Jack was putting his bag on and making his way over to me.

"What's happening? Why is everyone packing up?" Jack asked.

"We're leaving. Have you seen that horde?" Jack asked.

I looked around the RV. It was fun here, I've made some memories. Even though some of the memories didn't end well, it was a life time experience. I looked above a cupboard and I see something that looks like an arrow head.

Please be a bow and arrow! Please be a bow and arrow!  I thought. I used to be a bow and arrow hunter, along with my father. I was like Katniss Everdeen when I had a bow.

"Hello?... Earth to (y/n)?" Jack said breaking my thoughts.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"You spaced out for a moment," Jack said, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I actually need your help," I said.

"With what?" Jack asked.

"Follow me," I said grabbing his hand and walking to the cupboard. We pushed past Dan, Ethan and Felix to get to the cupboard. I stopped and looked up.

"What do you need help with?" Jack asked.

"I need you to pick me up so I can look up there," I said


"Stop asking questions. We have limited time here," I pointed out.

"Ok," Jack said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. I looked on top of the cupboards and saw a crossbow with multiple arrows. Yes! I thought. I picked it up and showed Jack, "How long has this been up there?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Jack said.

I grabbed the arrows and the crossbow. "OK put me down," I said and Jack lowered and let go of me.

Mark walked over to us. "Hey, I thi--... Where did you find that?" Mark asked looking at the crossbow.

"Found it up there, now. You were saying?" I asked as I put the arrows around my shoulder.

"I think we're ready to head out. That door isn't holding for very long," Mark said

"Ok let's go," I said.

Mark, Jack and I walked up to the door and turned around. Everyone was standing there, ready to fight. Marzia had Grace's hand in one of her hands and a machete in the other. Felix stood next to Marzia with two pistols in his hands. Wade had a shotgun in his hand and a pistol in his pocket. Ethan had an assault rifle, Mark had a machete and a pistol. Jack had an assault rifle in his hand and had my hand in his other one. I had my crossbow ready loaded with an arrow, I also had my machete on me.

"Let's go," Mark said as Jack and I backup. He kicked down the door and started shooting the zombies. As Mark was shooting, their was a zombie that was crawling into the RV. I let go of Jacks hand and hot the arrow ready to shoot.

"Watch out!" I called out mostly to Mark. I shot the zombie right in the head.

"Thanks!" Mark said still shooting. Now there was like 20 of them.

"Nice," Jack complimented me, smiling, I smiled back. Then we heard this clicking noise.

"Jack, (y/n), take over," Mark said backing away, taking his backpack off and looking in it. Me and Jack took over, Jack was shooting while I was shooting zombies with arrows. Most of the zombies were gone but more were coming. Some were coming to the door and I was about while I was shoot, but then Jack was falling face first into the zombies!

"JACK!" I yelled as I grabbed Jack's hand. I dropped my bow and arrow trying not fall with Jack. Then I heard someone yell. "Dan!"  I'm guessing Dan pushed Jack. That son of a -, I thought, but trying to focus on Jack. Mark started helping me with Jack, Wade and Felix were shooting the zombies. Jack got up safely and I hugged him tightly.

"Jack are you OK?" I said shedding a tear. he kissed the side of my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jack said stepping back and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks to you," We both lean in for a kiss but Mark yells.

"Hey lovebirds, we're leaving." Jack backed up.

"We'll never finish this will we."

"Never," I said with a smile. Jack smiled and put an arm around me as we walked out of the RV. I'll miss the RV. Mark had a hand on Dan's shoulder and Mark whispered to him. "Very bad decision, Dan," Then Mark looked at us.

"Hey Jack, you're ok!" Mark hugged Jack. Mark let go.

"Don't you dare say it," Jack said pointing at me.

"What if I do," I said smiling.

"I'll kill you," Jack said laughing. I laughed with him.

"Anyway, everybody group, here," Mark said pointing at the ground. We made a circle, and deciding what direction we should go.

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