Chapter 13

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I wake up to a door closing. I open my eyes and I don't see Mark, Jack or (Y/N), all I see is Grace sitting in a bed alone. I slowly get up of bed, without waking Phil, Marzia or Felix.

I look out of the window and see them talking outside. Then I see Jack put an arm around (Y/N)'s neck and she puts an arm around his waist. Wait. Only couples do that... ARE JACK AND (Y/N) DATING??

Then I see Mark throw his hands in the air and scream something. So it's official. Jack and (Y/N) are dating. I guess I was too late.

I cover my face with my hands. I guess I'll have to make her be mine.

They hard way.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Mark, Jack and I walked inside of the RV. We saw Dan awake staring off into space. Mark and Jack woke Marzia, Felix, Grace and Phil, I started cooking some beans (Without attempting to touch or sniff them WHAT I DIDN'T WANT TO DIE). Then Marzia took over, I decided to make some pork for me. In the meantime, I just ate bread.

Once the food was ready Grace, Marzia and I went outside to eat. By eating I mean girl talk, while the boys were inside have a boy talk.

"So what happened between you and Jack? Why aren't you guys dating?" Marzia asked.

"Oh, we're dating now!" I replied.

"What?! You are!?" Marzia shouted. We sat down on the ground next to the gate.

"Yes, he asked me earlier," I said as I took a bite of pork.

"(Y/N) why are you eating something different than us?" Grace asks, looking up at me.

"I'm allergic to beans. Much luck in a Zombie Apocalypse," I sighed.

"So why did you break up with Jack 3 years ago?" Marzia asked.

I told her what had happened, Grace listened too. I also told her about Dan last night, why he blushed and looked away from me, She thought for a moment.

Suddenly she gasped. "Dan likes you!" She squealed.

My mouth hung opened a little. Dan likes me? But now that I'm in a relationship with Jack I better tell him before he asks me out.

But I was too late, something touched my shoulder. I turned around and saw Dan. "Hey (Y/N) can we talk... Alone?" He asked.

"Sure...." I replied as I put my plate on the ground and walked to the gate, Dan followed behind me.

We walked to a clearing and I waited for him to talk. "What?" I asked.

"I've developed a crush on you. And I want to know if you'll be my girlfriend." He asked quickly.

"Umm... Dan, I already in a relationship... with Jack..." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

He looked very disappointed. "Oh, well then I hope you won't get mad at me for this," Dan said. I looked at him with a confused look. He leaned over and started kissing me. I tried to push away but I couldn't. He pulled back and stared at me, "You know I'm better than that green-haired dork. Come on be MY girlfriend," He said as he started kissing me again.

Then I heard a twig snap. Dan must have heard it too because he pulled away and we looked over and Jack was standing there. He looked heartbroken, his face got pale and looked like he was gonna cry. "(Y/N)?" Jack whispered.

Dan smiled and looked back at me, he started kissing me again.

This time I punched him in the gut. He immediately stepping back, holding his stomach. Jack stood there confused and surprised.

"Why would you do that??" Dan shouted at me.

"That was for being a jerk. And this-" I kicked him in his gut again and he fell to the ground,"-is for kissing me three times," I said staring at him.

Jack looked at Dan to me, very confused. I looked down, "Jack... I know you're mad at me. Before you say anything I just wanna say he forced me to kiss him. And I'm sorry, I know we just started dating and this must make you feel horrible for seeing that and... I'm just sorry..." I said to Jack, as I rubbed my elbow. Dan was rolling on the floor holding his stomach.

Jack walked over and pulled me into a hug. "It's OK (Y/N), I know you didn't ask for that, And it did feel horrible for seeing that and... I'm just sorry..." Jack said.

We hugged tighter then pulled away. "So what do we do with Dan?" I asked.

Jack looked at him. "Let's see what Mark has to say about it,".

Jack carried Dan to camp. "Mark!" I called, Jack put Dan on the ground. Mark came running out with Phil, Felix, Marzia and Grace behind him. Grace ran up to me and hugged my leg, I patted her back.

"Yeah?" Mark asked.

"Dan! Phil shouted as he ran to his side, "What happened?".

I told everyone what happened and they all were shocked. Even Phil, looked shocked. "So what do with him?" Jack asked once I had finished.

Mark looked at him and then to the sky, thinking of something.

"I think he deserves what he got. He'll stay but if he tries to do that again, you have permission to kill him." Mark declared. I nodded, "But that will never happen again," Jack said

Everybody looked at him. "Because I'm not gonna leave your side," Jack finished as he put an arm around my waist. I smiled knowing I was safe.

We all went inside to hang out. It was still day, it looked like it was 1 or 2 pm. That was one of the most action packed mornings I've ever had.

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