Chapter 18

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Dan led me outside the gate, I clenched my fists ready if he was going to kiss me. We stopped right next to a tree.

"(y/n), I just wanted to talk with you," I started looking at the ground. "And I'm not going to kiss you this time," I looked at him, a little shocked.

"I just wanted to apologize," Now I'm really shocked.

"When I was sitting next to my dead friend, I rethought about a lot of things," Dan said holding back tears, I felt bad, surprisingly. I relaxed and stood straight.

"I'm so sorry that I kissed you a couple days ago, I wasn't thinking and... I'm just really sorry," He was crying now.

"It's ok," I said as I held out my arms for a hug.

He was crying on my shoulder also making it wet but I didn't cry. Then I heard the gate open. I let go of him and I looked behind me. It's Jack.

"(y/n)? what's going on?" Jack said looking confused.

"Jack don't worry, he was apologizing. I said as Jack came closer to me.

"Dan, is that true?" Dan and Jack looked at each other. Jack then turned his head to me. I whispered "please," I wanted Jack to know it's okay. He smiled and nodded, I smiled back.

"Is everything ok Dan?" Jack looked at Dan concerned.

"Y-Yeah," Dan said whipping his tears away.

"Well, we'll leave you alone now," I said walking with Jack to the gate.

"Wait, (y/n)!" Dan said, I turned around.

"I still feel the same way about you, (Y/n). I still love you. I want you to be mine. Please..." Me and Jack just looked at him and turned back. Then I got a quick glimpse at Dan, he looked angry. I walked a little bit quicker. Jack touched my shoulder.

"(y/n) are you OK?" Jack looked at me with concern.

"Jack, I'm fine, you worry about me too much," I said looking at Jack with a grin on my face.

"That's my job," Jack said putting an arm around me. We laughed, I put my head on Jack's shoulder. Then I realized that the flower, that was in my hair, was on the ground.

"Oh no!" I said picking up the flower, but Jack and I picked it up at the same time. We look at each other.

"I got it," Jack said as I let go of the flower, he put it in my hair again. As soon as he did, he stepped back and put his hands on my shoulders.

"You are as beautiful as the northern lights on a starry night," Jack said with ocean eyes, I blushed and looked down.

(A/n: This part kinda gets weird so yeah just prepare your self, You've been warned)

Jack lifted my head with two fingers to eye level. "The only thing different about it is, you're more beautiful," Jack said.

"Your eyes are as deep as the ocean," I started looking into Jack's ocean blue eyes," the only difference is that I'm willing to drown in yours," I said smiling.

We both leaned in for a kiss.

It was the moment I was waiting for. Our first kiss an official couple!

"Hey guys!" Someone said, I look over and see Mark walking out of the bushes, brushing the leaves off his pants. Jack and I turned faced him, Jack still had an arm around me.

"Hey Mark," Jack said looking at Mark confused why he was in a bush. "Why were you in the bushes?"

"Were you stalking us?" I asked worriedly.

"What? No why would I be stalking? Anyways... dinner is ready," he replied.

"Oh, ok," Jack said sounded kinda disappointed.

Mark started walking back and we followed him. "We can finish that later," I whisper to Jack. His eyes light up and he smiles, as he nods. He pulls me closer to him, I rest my head on his shoulder.

We finally get to camp, Ethan was on patrol walking around with his shotgun. Jack and I went inside while Mark went to join Ethan. When we walking in Marzia was playing with Grace, Felix and Wade were eating. "Hey guys Where's-" I stopped myself. I looked down, I had forgotten that Phil was gone.

"About to ask where Phil was?" Jack asked, looking down around at me.

I nodded. "I still can't believe he's gone," I said not looking up, Everybody nodded and looked down.

"Where's Dan? And What happened?" I saw him lead you to the forest again," Marzia asked.

"He wanted to apologize to me for the way he was acting," I replied. Jack let go of me and went to get some food, I walked over and sat down on my own bed.

"Dan apologized?" Marzia echoed.

"He's probably gonna change because of what happened to Phil,"

"Maybe, I don't know," Felix said.

"Highly doubt it," Jack said as he walked over to me and handed me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Thanks," I said as I took the sandwich, Jack sat down next to me with his sandwich and started eating.

When we were all done eating Mark, Ethan and Dan came walking in. Marzia, Grace, Jack and Dan came walking in. Marzia, Grace, Jack and I were playing Paddy Cake, Felix and Wade were talking about what they're gonna do while they went exploring.

"Guys we've got a problem," Mark said, everybody looked up at him. "What's the problem?" Jack asked.

Mark opened his mouth started to say something, but something was pounding on the door, followed by some moans. Great zombies.

I get up and look out the window, Jack got up behind me and looked. The whole camp was filled with zombies, luckily no Hulk Zombies.

I turn around and faced everybody. "Guys..." I say, everybody looks at me, "...get prepared to fight for your lives," Everybody's faces have the same expression. Worried and Scared.

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