Chapter 17

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Jack and I ran to where we heard the scream. As we got closer, we heard someone yell somebodies name. It sounded like Dan. I expected the worst.

Then I saw Mark with a flashlight in one hand and a machete in the other. He started running in a direction and we followed.

"Hey!" Jack shouted at Mark.

"Huh, Hey, Why are you guys out here?!" Mark asked angrily.

"We came to help," Then Mark came to a stop, and so did we.

I saw Phil on the ground and a zombie right in front of him. I run towards the zombie and slice its head off. Then I crouch down next to Phil.

"Phil, are you OK-" I noticed a zombie bite on his neck. I got up and slowly backed away.

"Guys, don't go near Phil," I said shocked.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked from behind me.

"Phil! Are you ok?" Dan said behind me.

Then, Phil jumped at me and had me on the ground.

"(y/n)!" Jack, Mark and Dan said at the same time.

Phil had my arms above my head and his mouth inches away from my neck. I clenched my teeth, prepared to die. Then Dan kicks Phil off me and holds him down. Jack comes running towards me and crouches next to me.

"(y/n), are you ok!" Jack said shocked and concerned.

"Y-yes," I said still frightened.

Jack looked behind him to see Dan struggling with Phil.

"Dan, just kill him,"

"You know I can't kill my best friend," Dan said with a tear going down his cheek.

"Then I will," I said getting up. Jack then put a hand on my shoulder.

"No, I will," Jack said putting the gun at Phil's head.

"Any last words anybody?"

"You were an amazing friend and I'll miss you till the day I die," Dan said crying even more.

"You were a great friend and very funny, friendly, and caring, I'll miss you, Phil," I said as my eyes were tearing up a little.

Everybody said their last words and goodbyes. Marzia and Grace came out and also said their goodbyes too. Jack got the gun and put it at Phil's head. "Goodbye Phil," Jack said as he turned his head and pulled the trigger. He turned his head back and stood up, he turned and put out his hand to me. I put my hand in his and lifted me up.

"Are you OK (y/n)?" Jack looked at me with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said as we started walking towards the camp.

"Dan, are you coming," Mark asked turning around.

"I'm gonna stay here for a minute," Dan said sitting down next to Phil.

"Ok, just dont stay here too long," Mark said walking forward. Dan nodded looking down at Phil. We kept walking then I noticed that there was something in my hair. I got it out of my hair, it was a (F/c) flower. I nudge Jack, his head quickly turned to me.

"What," Jack asked me, looking at me with his ocean eyes.

"Did you put this in my hair?"

"Yeah, it looked cute in your hair. Even when your already beautiful." I looked at him.

"Awwwwwwwhhhhh"It was behind us, it was Ethan.

We laughed, then I heard the gate open, we were at the camp. I looked up at the sky. The sun was rising, the sky was more orange and red.

We walked into the RV. I took my beanie off and plopped on a bed. I'm so tired. Jack walked in. "Tired again?" Jack asked me as he took his shirt off.

"It's OK there's a shirt underneath,"

"Ok." I said taking my hands off my face.

I got in a comfortable position and closed my eyes about to go to sleep until I heard an Irish voice whisper. "good night,"


"(y/n)?" I heard a high pitched voice say my name. I opened my eyes, Grace was looking above me. "Woah, you scared me Grace," I said getting up.

"Sorry I just want to tell you breakfast is ready," I took a sniff of the air.

"It smells wonderful!" I said as I got up and grabbed some clean clothes/

"Thanks!" Marzia said as I went to the bathroom to change, I wore a green shirt and ripped jeans and my hair was down.

I got out of the bathroom and on the table there was a paper plate with cooked pork and a piece of bread.

"Thank you!" I sat at the table and so did Marzia and Grace. "Your welcome," They said together. "Have the guys ate yet?" I asked finishing my food. "Yeah, what are they doing now actually?" She looked outside and so did I. The guys seem to be having a conversation.

"What are they talking about?" Marzia asked.

"Probably boy gossip." Me and Marzia laughed.

"What's boy gossip?" Grace asked confused.

"Well, basically it's what boys say all the tim,"

"Like cars,"

"Yeah," Me and Marzia said at the same time.

I got up from the table and threw the plate away and opened the door.

"Who's coming with me?" I asked about to leave.

"I will," Marzia said getting up. "Grace stay here," I said looking at her. "OK,"

We walked outside and shut the door behind us. All the guys looked at us. "Hey guys," I said as the guys waved at us.

"Hey (y/n), did you get a good rest," Jack asked me, I stood next to him.

"Yeah, I did," I said as Jack put an arm around me.

"I bet you did, you've been sleeping for about three hours," Mark said smiling.

"Have I really?" I said shocked.

"Yeah you have, but don't worry about it, you deserve it," Jack said looking at me.

"I deserve everything around here, don't I," I said looking at Jack.

"Yes, yes you do," Jack said smiling, I smiled back.

"Adorable, anyway let me tell you what's going on," Mark said smiling, I smiled back.

"Felix and Wade are going scavenging tomorrow morning, and I'm on night duty, OK?" "Ok," I said walking to the door, then something touched my shoulder. I turned around, it was Dan.

"Hi, Dan," I said trying to stay cool.

"Hi, umm, do you mind if we can talk in private," I froze. Why does he want to talk with me in private? Will he kiss me again? I said sure and I followed him, what is he going to do? Well, I'm about to find out.

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