Chapter 15

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I expected Jack would ask me to go on a date. But I didn't know he would ask me now! I haven't been on a date in over 8 years.

The last date I was on was when me and Jack went to some fancy restaurant and talked. It was kinda boring, I hope this time it isn't as boring.

"It's a short notice I know, it's OK if you say no," Jack said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"I'd love to go on a date with you tonight," I replied, happily.

Jack's face lit up. "Thank you! Thank you! You won't be disappointed!" He squealed as he pulled me into a hug.

"I hope I won't be disappointed... Like last time," I said.

"Has it really been 3 years since your last date?"

"Yes. Now we should probably get ready for the date tonight," I replied.

"Yeah you're right," Jack said as we pulled away. Jack walked over to the ladder and started climbing down.

I got up, then ran and jumped off the RV. I didn't do a backflip this time, I landed on my feet. My leg didn't seem to scream in pain this time.

Jack came walking around and saw me. He looked confused, he pointed up there than here with his thumb. "I jumped," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Ohh," He replied nodding.

We walked inside, everybody was doing their own thing. Dan and Phil were talking in the kitchen, Felix and Marzia were sitting on the ground with Grace, and Mark was laying down staring off into space.

"Mark, Felix, Dan and Phil, outside now," Jack demanded. They all looked at each other, but then Dan gave Jack another death glare.

Once all the boys went outside, Marzia gave me a confused look. "What's going on?" She asked.

I couldn't keep it in any longer.

"Jack asked me on a date!" I squealed. Marzia's face lit up, Grace looked confused.

"When?!" She asked over excited.

"Tonight!" I said as I sat down beside her.

"Well, let's get you ready!" Marzia squealed. "I haven't done this in awhile!"

"I haven't been on a date in over 3 years! Help me please," I begged her.

"What's happening?" Grace asked, very confused.

"Grace, do you know what a date is?" I asked her.

"No..." She replied.

I explained it to her and she kinda understood, but at the same time, she didn't. Marzia explained it a different way, and Grace understood what a date was. I swear Marzia has a way with children.

Marzia got up and picked out some clothes for me to wear. She went through loads of cute clothes, but they weren't really my style, then I finally picked one.

I looked at myself, we could've done better but it's the Zombie Apocalypse so we have limited supplies. I looked nice, it was my style. I was never into the whole, "OMG I have to wear a dress so I look nice" Kind of girl. I was always kind of tomboy if a guy is only 'in love' with me because of how I look. I shouldn't be with him. A man that loves me the way I am is a good man. But that's my opinion.

Marzia put my (H/L) hair into a simple braid, and left some bangs, covering my left eye. (A/N: If you have short hair, pretend that it is not in a braid. And if your unlucky and don't have bangs, pretend you don't have bangs covering your eye.)

"Ok I think your ready!" Marzia said looking at me.

I moved my bangs out of my eye. "Thank god. I thought you were gonna do my make up too," I sighed in relief.

"I would've done makeup! If I had any makeup..." Marzia said.

That's when I heard a knock on the door. Marzia and I exchange glances. I walk over and stand in front of Grace, Marzia slowly walks over and opens the door with a creek.

"Is (Y/N) ready?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yeah, she is Mark. Come on in if you'd like," Marzia replied as she opened the door wider. Mark came walking in and saw the clothes on the ground and suit cases opened.

"Your gonna clean this is up right?" He asked Marzia.

"Yeah," She replied nodding.

I step away from Grace. Me being an older sister, I have to protect my little sister.

"Ok (Y/N), if you'll follow me outside," Mark said opening the door for me.

"Thanks, Mark," I said as I walked outside, Mark followed.

"Where are we going?" I asked,

"You'll see," He said, grabbing a machete. He started walking to the gate and I followed him.

We walk in complete silence and darkness. That is until Mark flashed his flashlight 3 times. I looked around confused. Suddenly lanterns lit up around us, they were hanging down from the trees. The lights lit up a path way to one large tree. The trunk of the tree was hollowed out, there was a blanket nailed to the ground and had a basket on it. There were (F/C) flowers decorating the tree and lanterns

I gasped when I sawa how beautiful it looked, I looked over at Mark. "Did Jack make this by himself?" I asked.

"With the help of Felix, Phil, Ethan, Wade, Dan and I," He replied.

"Even Dan helped?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Ethan and Wade came back from exploring. They found some food and that basket, and blanket in the tree." Mark explain.

"This is really thoughtful, but I don't deserve this. Ever since I got here all I've been getting in trouble, Getting hurt, and putting everybody's lives in danger," I said as I looked down.

"You do deserve this. You wanna know why?" Mark asked I look at him. "Because you're making my best friend the happiest person alive. By being his girlfriend. He wants to make you happier than he is." Mark said.

"Is that really true?" I asked.

"Of course it is," A familiar Irish voice said.

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