Chapter 37

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(y/n)'s eyes widen like she had just seen a ghost. She immediately fell into my arms, I put my arms around her in a comforting hug. I didn't squeeze her like earlier, it was a gentle hug.

I rubbed her back, "Don't worry (y/n)... I won't let him get near you," I whisper as she silently sobs in my arms.

Only her quiet sobs filled the room, I hugged her tightly but not too tight. I started playing with her hair, I don't know why, but it kind of calmed her.

"Thank you, Jack, I need that," She said getting up and laying back down. She held her head, "How long was I out?"

"Just for the night," I replied laying down next to her.

"I thought I was out for longer..."

"I'm glad it was only for the night, now I don't have to worry about you..." I replied.

"Can...Can I ask you something?" She asks.

"Of course," I replied looking at her.

"Where did Dan come from? He died," She said, looking kind of scared.

"He didn't say," I replied, I pull her into a hug. "I don't know why he's here but he won't hurt you. In any way. I promise,"

She smiles and rests her head against my chest. She soon falls asleep, snuggled up next to me. I yawn one last time, my eyelids fail to stay open.

~~TimeSkip (not had one of these in a while)~~


I woke up the next morning, I felt some kind of movement next to me. I open my eyes and see Jack staring at a wall, acting like he was minding his own business.

I yawn and put my forehead on Jack's chest.

"Why good mornin' beautiful," Jack said playing the innocent card.

"Mornin'..." I said yawning again, "And by the way, I knew you were cuddling me,"

"I dunno what you're talking about," Jack says turning onto his other side.

"Whatever..." I said and got up "You won't get any kisses," I got on my knees and got my bag out from under my bed. I got clothes out and put them on the bed,

"Okay, fine, I was cuddling you last night," Jack chuckled.

" I knew that would get you to tell me," I said giving him a kiss on his cheek.

I zipped my bag up and put it under the bed. I stand up and saw Jack trying to put boots on, I hold bad a laugh. "You're a goofball!"

"Why am I the goofball?" Jack asked.

"You're trying to put on girl shoes....." I said. He was still struggling, "And you're failing," I giggle.

He took them off and put them on the bed, he rubbed his feet. "Now my feet hurt..." He whined.

I quietly laugh, "Why did you try them on?"

He started laughing with me, "because I wanted to look nice!"

I shake my head, "Ok, why don't you go show everyone? You want everyone to know that you look nice, don't you?"

"What if Signe and Dan are down there, I don't want them to know I look nice..." He said looking down and frowning.

I sit down next to him, "It's fine if you don't want to go down there,"

"No, I'm gonna go make some breakfast," Jack said.

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