Chapter 33 ~~ Escaping?

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I walked around.

Nothing but darkness, all around.

But then a light flickers on.

I look over and see someone tied to a chair. I didn't recognize this person. He had a blindfold on a piece of cloth stuck in his mouth, he was moving around in the chair, trying to break free.

Suddenly the light reflected off something, in the darkness.

The reflection of the light made its way into my face and blinded me. I cover my eyes and look away.

When the light goes away, I look back at the person.

I gasp as I look at the sight.

The man had no head, blood was splatted onto the ground. His legs were disconnected, I looked back as if they were cut by a knife.

Then I heard a static noise. It grew louder and louder until I had to cover my ears.

"Hello (y/n)," Said a static voice. It scared me....It sounded like...Jack.

"W-whose there!" I screamed out.

"No need to shout," The voice said and the loud static noise stop.

I take my hands off my ears and look around.

"whose there?" I asked more calmly and not shouting.

"I could tell.... well (y/n)... don't worry about me. You will know sooner or later," He chuckled. "Well since you don't know about some fun?" The static voice laughed.

Suddenly I was in a chair, I was tied down. I had a piece of cloth in my mouth, but no blindfold.

Then a knife appeared at my throat.

I started breathing heavily, then I could feel the cold metal on my neck. It was being pushed, slowly, into my neck.

The last thing I heard was the static voice, maniacally....

I jolted awake, breathing heavily. Fortunately, no one woke up and Ethan didn't hear. I leaned up and moved Jack's arm around my waist.

I run my hand through my hair, I hold in the tears but my eyes water anyway.

What was that nightmare? Who was that static voice? It couldn't have been Jack.. Maybe my brain just imagined Jack's voice... I don't know...

I was so deep in thought I didn't realize I had some tears running down my face. Then I heard Jack wake up, slowly.

"(y/n)?" He whispers, yawning.

I look over at him. "Did I wake you?"

"No," He whispers opening his eyes, "Why are you crying?" I saw a flash of worry in his eyes.

I wipe my face. "Bad dream," I whisper, reassuring him.

"If you're crying, it must be bad," Jack said, engulfing me in a hug.

I won't cry, I won't cry, I won't cry.

My eyes started to water again as I hugged Jack.

Gosh, darn it! I hate feelings...

"Its ok if ya want to cry, (n/n)," Jack whispered in a calm voice.

"It wasn't that bad... It was just weird....So it scared me a bit," I replied, whispering. "Sorry,"

"Why are you apologizing?" Jack asked, putting me in his lap.

I rested my head on his chest. "Because I woke up and now you have to deal with me..." I sighed. "I just get too emotional..."

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