Chapter 35 ~~ Problem

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I stood next to Jack, shocked.

Signe is Jack's ex? When were they together? What did she do to make him angry? Did he do something? .... I need to stop asking myself questions when I don't have the answer,

"She's your ex?" I echoed.

Jack nodded and looked down.

"What are we gonna do then?" I asked.

He started walking, well limping, down the road again, and I followed him "Right, now I need some alone time,"

"You know I can't let you do that. What if zombies come? You have no protection... What if you fall?" I ask.


I followed him till we couldn't see the house behind us. He walked down an alleyway and he sat down in the corner. I lean against the wall, next to him.

"You can sit down if you'd like..." Jack whispered.

I slid down the wall and sat crisscrossed next to him. Jack ran his hands through his, faded green, hair, then he covered his eyes. I rested my chin on my fists and waited for him to talk.

"(y/n)....?" Jack whispered.

"Yes?"I looked at him.

"You know that....I'll always love you, and no matter what'll always be the one for me," Jack sighed and took his hands off his eyes, to look at me. "I know I'm sounding like....I'm gonna leave you but I'm not.... I just want you to know that....If Signe tries to flirt...kiss...or anything like that to me....don't get mad at me. I'll never go back with her...after what she did,"

I smile, "I know you'll never leave me and you'll always love me no matter what, and nothing will ever doubt that. And I'll always love you... if Singe tries to back together with you, I won't get mad at you...." I also sigh and look down. "If Im intruding in your personal business, you don't have to answer this question...but...what even happened with you and Singe?"

Jack looks down, "She cheated on me,"

"Oh..." I look up, the sun seemed to be setting. The city was getting dark and I saw faint stars. The clouds were a light pink and the sky was orange and red.

A small breeze blew past us and made me shiver, because I have a sleeveless shirt on. Jack put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug.

I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes. I was tired but I didn't want to sleep, not in this alleyway.

"Hey (y/n)?" Jack asked

I hummed a response.

"Thank you for coming along with me....and I think we should head back,"

"Your welcome, and your right let's head back....." I replied and go up. He got up and started to walk out of the alleyway, but he was still limping badly. I walked up next to him and put his arm around my neck, I put my arm around his waist and helped him walk.

"Thanks," He put his head on my shoulder as we walked.

"No problem, I like helping people out," I replied.

We walked out of the alleyway and down the road, surprisingly there were no zombies around. We walked on the road, missing all the cracks and potholes.

I could see the boarded up house in the distance, by now it was completely dark and I couldn't see well.

Jack took a step and tripped over a pothole, I grabbed him by his arm but he ended up making me fall with him. We both fell on our stomachs but I landed on him. I quickly jumped up and helped him up.

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