Chapter 31 ~~ Organizing

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Ethan slowly made it over, I handed him the torch, I watched as (y/n) carefully made it to Mark and helped him over. Once they were up they slowly walked, I sighed in relief.

But then I heard a low rumbling. It was the bridge.

Mark suddenly ran across to us, my eyes widened when the bridge started to collapse with (y/n) still on it.

She ran and jumped, I got closer to the edge ready to catch her.

(y/n) hit the rocks and held onto the side, just below the edge. Ethan had the torch over the edge so we could see.

"Hold on (y/n), I got ya," I said, calmly. But on the inside, I was freaking out. What if she falls? What if I don't save her? How would I feel afterwards? No...Push those thoughts away.

I reached out my hands over to catch her, she reached up and grabbed my hands. I pulled her up and put her away from the edge and pull her into a tight hug.

"Don't blame Mark... the bridge was gonna collapse either way," She whispered into my chest.

I nod. I looked over to see Mark and Ethan walking away, (y/n) and I let go and start walking to the main cave.

Marzia and Felix were sitting down beside the torch in the ground. Sam fell back to sleep, next to Chica and Sven. Chica had her head resting on Sam's leg. Sven was awake just lying down.


"Your back!" Marzia shouted, she ran up to me and hugged me.

Marzia's shout woke Sam up and made Chica jump. "W-What?" Sam yawned.

Marzia let go. "Took a nap, I take it?" I said looking over at Sam.

Felix hugged Mark, Ethan and Jack. "What happened to you guys?" He asked.

"(y/n) had to save me and Ethan from falling to our deaths. Then the bridge collapsed, with (y/n) still on it, then she jumped. Jack helped her up and here we are," Mark explained.

Felix looked over at us, not believing Mark.

I nodded.

"Well I made some food if you guys want it," Marzia said walking over to her bag and pulling out some PBandJ.

"Thank you Marzia! I'm hungry!" Jack said, excitedly clapping his hands.

I look over at him.

"What?" He asks.

"Your a big 4-year old," I replied.

Everybody laughed a little at my comment. But Jack looked sad.

I reached up and kissed my cheek. "But you're MY 4 years old," I smiled as I walked over and picked up my sandwich.

Sam crawled and sat down beside the torch. I walked over and grabbed a blanket, throwing it on Sam. She looked back at me. "Thanks," She replied.

I sat down beside Chica and leaned back on Sven. Chica put her head on my lap and looked up at me, as I took my first bite. I pulled a chink off and gave it to Chica, Sven looked at my sandwich. I pull most of it and feed it to him.

"You know you shouldn't be feeding the animals," Jack said as he sat down beside me.

"They are live animals, they need to eat too," I replied.

"Oh yeah, speaking of food! Jack and I found some food and clothes for all of us," Mark said getting his bag out.

"Oh yeah!" Jack said reaching over Sven and grabbing his bag. "I got us candy!"

"Of course you did," I sighed but smiled.

Mark pulled out some apples, three loafs of bread and some canned carrots. Jack pulled out Carmel candies, Carmel Apple sucks, a chocolate bar and (f/ca).

"Ok we need to arrage some groups here. Let's say, Felix can be the weapon expert. So you'll hold all the weapons," Felix nodded. "Marzia will be the food holder," Marzia nodded "(y/n) can be the animal whisperer," I nodded "Then, Jack, Ethan and I can be the body guards," Mark said. Ethan and Jack nodded.

Jack secretly handed me the (f/ca) and the Carmel Apple suckers, I put them in my bag. He walked over and handed her the rest of the candy, and sat back down.

"So here are the boys clothes," Mark said handing Felix, Jack and Ethan their clothes.

"And here are your guys, they were all gonna be (y/n)'s but I forgot about Marzia and then Sam came along," Mark said handing me some clothes. He gave some clothes to Sam and Marzia.

Sam took the bag and threw the clothes at me. I look over at her and I put them in my bag. I keep my clothes out, as Marzia drags me into the darkness. "What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Get changed! You've been in those clothes for days! Ever since Jack proposed..." Marzia said.

"OK fine...." I whisper back.

Nobody asked what we were doing. I walked back and sat back down beside Jack. He put his arm around me and I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

We were unsure of what time it was, what day it was, or where we are. We were completely lost and had no idea what to do.

And we were completely trapped in here.


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