Chapter 24 ~~ The big question.

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I got off Jack and helped him up. Everybody had stopped laughing and were now serious. Mark, Ethan, and Wade went off to talk about guy things.

"(y/n) we can head to the tent and sew Jack's shirt... We just need to measure him though.." Marzia said, holding her bag and looking at Jack.

"Measure me!" Jack screamed putting his arms in the air, Marzia and I giggled.

"Ok, Ok, let me get the measuring tape," Marzia said, pulling out a measuring tape.

Felix grabbed it and chucked it at me, with my quick reflexes, I caught it. I glared at him. "Heads up?" He said shrugging, Marzia giggled.

"Ok... What do I measure?" Jack said looking at Marzia.

"Well, since your shirt is ripped in half, most likely his stomach and under his arms. I'll remember the measurements," Marzia explained.

I nodded and wrapped it under Jack's arms.

He shivers. "It's cold," Jack whines.

"Seriously? Stop being a baby," I replied, tightening it around him. He crossed his arms.

"Jack's chest is 23cm and..." I wrapped it around his stomach, "His stomach is 21cm," I said, taking the measuring tape off Jack 

"Ok, we'll be in the tent," Marzia said as I handed her the tape and we walked out to the tent.

"Wait! (y/n)!" I heard Jack yell, I turned around and he was behind me.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Wanna go on a date tonight?" He asks


"Cool, see you then," Jack said walking away as a nervous wreck.

"Ok..... that was weird," I said to myself,

Marzia and I went into the tent to fix Jack's shirt, how in the world did he rip his shirt. And just by trying to get it on?


Mark, Ethan, Wade, Felix and I walked into the forest. We were looking for a perfect place to make for (y/n)'s date tonight.

"How about the meadow? That's the perfect place," Felix said.

"How about right there?" Mark asked.

"Hmmm, how about both? We make the forest where the date is. Then after the date, we go to the meadow, and then I'll ask the question." I suggested.

"Perfect!" Everybody yelled.

I ordered everybody to make some small fires, use some left over lanterns from our last date, get some (f/c) flowers again. After hours of working the forest, the forest was beautiful. The meadow looked even better.

"Felix go get (y/n)! Mark start cooking food over the fire! Ethan, Wade get weapons for yourselves and the others and start to protect the forest! We don't want any zombies ruining this!" I ordered.

I tried my best to hold it together. I might look calm but deep down...  I was a wreck. I'm so nervous...

"Jack?" I hear Mark ask.

I shake my head and look at him. "Hmm?" 

He put a hand on my shoulder, "Your gonna be just fine. You can do it. I believe in you," He said,

"I don't think I can do it... Mark I'm nervous... What if she says no?" I start breathing heavily.

"Jack, your gonna be fine. I believe in you," Mark encouraged me "You should get ready,"

"Ok," I nod and get ready.


I got dressed for my date with Jack tonight. That's when I heard footsteps and a polite knock by Felix.

"Coming in," Marzia said.

"We're ready for ya (y/n) Felix said unzipping the tent.

"Ok," I said as I stepped out.

"Wait!" Marzia said putting my hair into a braid again.

I stopped as Marzia continued. "There!" She said. I stepped out and Felix started leading me to the date. I could already see the lights hanging from the trees with flowers on them.

"How does it look?" Felix asked as we walked into the forest.

"Beautiful!" I said looking at the amazing scenery.

"Thanks, me and the guys made it, by the way, you look pretty tonight," Felix said looking at me smiling.

"Thanks," I said smiling.

Then I saw a blanket on the ground with a basket with food and drinks on it. Then I saw Jack appear behind a tree. Jack was sort of dressed up but not too fancy.

"Hi (y/n)," Jack said coming closer.

"Hi Jack," I said looking at him.

"Well I'm going to leave you two alone," Felix said as he walked away. Jack looked at me and held out his hand.

"May we," Jack said, I put my hand in his.

"We may," I said as Jack walked over to the blanket. I let go and sat down and so did Jack. I looked around and saw no one, good, no waiter, I thought, then Jack looked at me.

"Want something to eat?" Jack asked me.

"Sure," I said as I lifted the cover of the picnic and looked in it. There were sandwiches, bread, and a small bag with a sticky note on it, the sticky note read KEEP THESE AWAY FROM JACK (Or Sean), I guessed that they were jelly beans. After I read that I grabbed a sandwich and started eating I saw that Jack grabbed a sandwich too.

"How's the sandwich," Jack asked me after swallowing a piece.

"Good!" I said as I was swallowing a piece. Jack finished his food after a while I did too. Jack got up.

"Come with me, I wanna take you somewhere you'll love," Jack said walking towards me and held out a hand.

"Oooh, exciting!" I said as Jack pulled me up. I held onto Jack's hand as we followed a path to somewhere. Then I saw a beautiful meadow, I started running but still holding onto Jack's hand. I stopped as I looked around, there were the same lanterns hanging from trees and on the ground, there was another blanket but in front of it there was a pot of (f/c) flowers, the sky was not like last time, it's more bluer than red, pink and orange but it was still amazing. I looked at Jack he was standing next to me and looking at the sky. He let out a sigh, I look into his eyes. I saw worry, what was he worried about? Jack looked at me.

"Wanna lie down?" Jack said, he lay down, I lied down next to him and we both looked at the sky.

"The sky is amazing and beautiful," Jack looked at me, I looked back at him. I knew what he was going to say but I let him say it anyway.

"It sure is, but not as amazing and beautiful as you though," Jack said smiling.

"I knew you were going to say that," I said as I kissed Jack on the cheek. I looked back at the sky. We spent at least 10 minutes looking at the sky, Jack nudged me.

"Wanna leave?" I looked at him and smiled.

"Sure," I said getting up, I started walking.

"Wait," Jack said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Can I tell you something," I looked at Jack, "What's up, is something wrong," I said as Jack took a deep breath/

"No, it's just, I wanna tell you that ever since I met you I always thought that you were pretty, beautiful, kind, caring, loveable and everything else," I was about to cry, does he really mean that? "And when I left you, that was the BIGGEST mistake of my life, and when Mark brought you to our camp, I was thrilled, I was so happy, I couldn't even explain it." He was crying, and I started to tear up and was taking deep breaths. "And I wanted to wake up to that smile in the morning so, I'm going to ask you this question." I covered my mouth as Jack got on one knee and pulled something out from behind his back and said....

"Will you marry me?"

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