Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'S P.O.V

After Jack had pushed me, I took off running for the RV. I could still hear the gunshots from Jack's gun. I burst through the door and ran over to Mark
"Mark!" I shouted and shook him awake.
"What? What?" Mark groaned loudly, looking at me.
"There is a zombie attack! Jack told me to get you! Let's go!" I shouted as I raced back outside. Mark jumped up and ran after me, holding a machete.

I ran out with my pistol aimed at a zombie and it killed the zombie. Mark ran up and sliced three zombies heads off. I saw Jack fighting a hoard that was surrounding him, I grabbed my machete, from my bag, and ran at the hoard. I sliced the zombies and fought like there was no tomorrow.

One tried to crawl on my back, but I stabbed it in the chest, more tried getting on my back. I kept cutting their heads off, but it was like they were multiplying.

More and more tried to bite me, but I pulled my machete out and spun in a circle like a ballerina. When I stopped, Mark and Jack just stared at me, I looked back.

"Stop starting and continue fighting," I shouted. A zombie tried to jump at me, but I pulled out a pistol and shot the zombie.

Mark and Jack both continued watching me, I glanced at them and saw a zombie behind Jack. I lifted my gun and shot. The bullet whistled behind Jack's ear and killed the zombie. He whipped around then looked at me and mouthed "thank you" I nodded.

"Continue fighting!" I shouted as I killed a small group of zombies.

Soon, they were getting too strong for me. I had my arms around my head as they piled around me.


Mark and I both watched as (Y/N) spun in a circle, slicing zombies in half. She was perfect! She knew how to survive an apocalypse. She was beautiful. She was nice (at times). She cares about her friends. And she doesn't have anger issues (Again at times)! (Y/N) noticed us and yelled at us, but suddenly lifted her gun at me and shot. The bullet whizzed past my ear and killed a zombie behind me. I look back at her and mouth the words "Thank you" she nodded and yells at us again.

I shot a group of zombies, who were heading for me. When I turned to look at (Y/N) I didn't see her. I turn completely around and see a group of zombies. I run over and pulled out my machete, slicing a few zombies. I saw her purple skirt, I grab her arm and pull her towards me as I killed the zombies, she held on for dear life. I stepped backwards, as the zombies got closer. (Y/N) looked like she had a hard time trying to walk.

(Y/N) was terrified, she had a firm grip on my shirt and her face was buried in my chest. It looked like she had a bleeding cut above her eye. I had one arm around her and the other one shooting the zombies with the shotgun.

That hoard was the last of the zombies, Mark was already throwing dead zombie carcasses outside. Once they were dead, I lowered my gun and looked down at (Y/N), I didn't realize she was crying.

"Hey, it's all over," I said calmly, trying to get her to stop. 

She looked around and saw that the zombies were gone. 

"Oh.." She let go of me, struggling, she moved a few feet away. She wiped her tears,
"Thanks for saving me, Jack." (Y/N) muttered as she rubbed her elbow.
"No problem," I said smiling at her, I was starting to stare into her (E/C) eyes.

(Y/N), weakly smiled back at me. 

"How about you go get some rest? Mark and I can handle the dead zombies." I offered her. "Ok, I'm pretty tired," she said yawning, she took a step but then fell holding her leg.
"(Y/N)? Are you ok?" I asked running to her side.
"Yeah, I just cut myself with my machete whilst I was fighting." She answered as she tried to get up. I helped her up and to the RV.
"Thanks." She muttered as she walked in
"Goodnight" I called out.
"Goodnight Jack, Goodnight Mark." She called out to him. Mark turned and looked at her "Goodnight (Y/N)!" Mark replied.

I walk out to Mark and started helping him with the zombies. There were multiple zombie piles.


Mark and I already had the fence fixed, by then it was 5 in the morning. "I'll stand to watch Jack," Mark said as he put away a hammer.
"Ok," I yawned. "Just wake me up if anything happens, leave (Y/N) sleeping," I say as I walk to the RV.
"Night Jack" Mark called.
"Night!" I call back, I open the door and I can already see (Y/N) sound asleep. In my bed. 

I change clothes and lay in Mark's bed. I was exhausted, fighting zombies takes a lot of your energy away. I stared at the ceiling, I'm not really sleepy. I just pretended to.

I twisted and turned, maybe I should just fall asleep. I close my eyes and soon I'm finding myself falling into a good nights sleep.

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