Chapter 9

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I almost dropped my gun. I was standing in front of Marzia (CutiePieMarzia), Wade (LordMinion777) and Ethan (CrankGamePlays). They all stood and looked at me. I've known them my whole childhood! Then Ethan and Wade introduced me to Mark and Jack at Pax East. And after years, here we are.

"Who are you?" Marzia asked staring at me, she had a  machete in her hand pointing it at me.
"Marzia, don't you remember me? I'm (Y/N)" I replied.

She looked at me like she didn't believe me. "We've known each other ever since fourth grade," I said. They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"Wade, Ethan, you two introduced me to Mark and Jack at Pax East. We did a panel together! Don't you guys remember?" I asked. Marzia suddenly dropped her machete, she ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. Soon Ethan and Wade joined.
"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in like forever!" Maria said, as they let go. "How did you survive this long on your own?" Ethan asked.
"I started out alone, but then I met up with Mark and Jack," I replied.
"You're lucky you got to see your boyfriend, I don't know where Felix is... We separated for a few days before the zombies broke out...  and I haven't seen him since." Marzia said sadly.
"Jack's not my boyfriend. We broke up a couple years ago." I corrected her. "And crazy thing is, I just met up with Dan, Phil and Felix. They're back with Mark and Jack." I replied
"Really?!" Marzia squealed. Wade and Ethan covered their ears. "Yes.  You guys can go back if you want." I said.
"What about you? Don't you want to head back?" Wade asked.
"I'm on a mission right now. I just left anyway. Just head that way and keep walking, you'll see it. Just call for Mark." I explained.
"Will you be coming back?" Marzia asked. "In a few days," I replied.
"What is your mission?" Ethan asked. "I need to see if I can find my family. I'm kinda stressed about it, I just need to see if they are alive." I explained.
"We'll head that way, you continue your journey. And please come back." Marzia said giving me another hug.
"Don't worry, I'll try," I said as Ethan and Wade joined in again.
"And tell Jack, that I'm  fine. I'm ok, he is most likely freaking out about me." I said as they let go. They nodded and I started walking away. I was heading to (H/T), it's far but I can manage.

I started walking before I got hungry. I pulled out some bread and started munching on a piece. I gripped my assault rifle, waiting for a zombie to pop out of nowhere.

Suddenly something hit me and I went flying. I hit a tree and landed on my side, I looked up and that's when I saw it. A hulk zombie charging at me. I dropped my assault rifle when I was 'flying', I quickly got up and took off running. As I got up a shot of pain shot through my leg and I fell on my face, I looked at my leg but my foot was bleeding and couldn't walk.

I tried to get up and run, but it was too late. The Hulk zombie was standing over top of me. I was doomed. Or so I thought...


It has been a good three hours after (Y/N) had left. I knew she would be back in a few days, I just..... missed her.

When we were all inside laying around I heard a scream, but I wasn't the only one to hear it. Felix,Mark and I jumped up and ran outside. I had an assault rifle, Felix had a machete and Mark had a pistol.

We ran outside and saw a group of people walking up to the gate. It looked like a girl and two men.

I aimed my gun and so did Mark, Felix lifted his machete at the people. As we inched closer, Felix shouted something in Swedish and ran to the gate. He opened it and hugged the girl. Mark and I looked at each other and then back at the group. 

"Guys! Come on!" Felix yelled back at Mark and I.

We hesitantly walked over. Felix faced us, with his arm around the girl. Only then did we realize, that it was Wade, Ethan and Marzia. We all came into a group hug.

Dan and Phil came walking out of the RV to see what was all the shouting. We all went into the RV to relax, except for me. I was outside, walking around. I was deciding to find (Y/N) or just to stay here, she didn't say I couldn't come.

That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped and saw that it was Marzia. "Oh you scared me there lass." I said. "Thinking about (Y/N)?" She asked, taking her off my shoulder.

 "Yeah... Wait! How'd you know?" I asked looking at her.
"She told me you'd be freaking out about her." Marzia replied.
"You guys met up with her?" I asked.
"Yes, we did meet up with her. She saved us from some zombies. And she told me to tell you that she is fine and she's ok." Marzia explained.
"Oh, ok.. But now I want to see her again." I said looking at the forest.
"Then go get her." Marzia said. I look at her. "What?"
"Go get her, go with her if you miss her that much." She said
"Ok. I'll go just tell everybody where I went." I grabbed my jacket, and an assault rifle, machete, pistol and ran out the gate. "See ya Jack!" Marzia called. I ran in the direction she went and followed for about two hours.

I started getting hungry, the only thing I didn't pack. Food. I looked around for some berries. That's when i heard a scream. I knew that scream anywhere. "(Y/N)!!" I screamed. I started running to the sound of her scream.

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