Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I grabbed my bag and walked outside, Dan, Felix and Mark Followed me out.

"Why do you have to leave?" Dan asked.
"I need to explore, I can't be cooped up here," I replied, sadly.
"You could always explore then come back every day," Mark said.
"But then I wouldn't cover much ground if I was exploring in the morning then come back here I'm sorry I have to leave Mark," I said, sadly.
"It's okay, I've always known that you need to be the explorer type. All I know is that I'm gonna miss you. It was fun having you around (Y/N)," Mark said pulling me into a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you all, even though Felix, Dan and Phil just got here." I said patting his back.

I went and hugged Felix and Dan. Jack and Phil were somewhere but I didn't know where. "Please tell me you'll come back," Mark said.

"I'll try to come back in a few days," I replied. I walk to the gate and open it. "Bye (Y/N)!" Mark, Felix and Dan said waving. I waved back and walked out of the camp.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" I hear behind me. I turn around, Jack and Phil were running to the gate. "You really thought I was gonna leave without saying bye to you guys?" I replied as they ran up to me.

"Why are you leaving again?" Phil asked 
"I need to explore, I can't just be cooped up somewhere. I know I can explore and explore and come back but it's just not the same." I replied 
"This is gonna sound really mean but that can't be the only reason why you're leaving," Jack said, looking at me.
I sighed "I'm only exploring so I can try to find my family. I want to know if they're alive or not. I want to stop stressing over it. And if they're not I want to at least find my other friends." I said.
"You could've told us," Phil said pulling me into a hug.
"I didn't want any of you guys to feel sorry for me. I know my family is somewhere and I want to find them. That's the whole reason why I was running in the forest when I met up with Mark a couple of days ago" I replied, he let me go.

"I'm gonna miss you (Y/N). Please tell me you'll come back." Jack said. "I'll try. And if I can't... I guess this is goodbye," I replied, giving him a hug. I know he is my ex, but he still is one of my best of friends. I could never imagine Jack getting hurt. I could never imagine any of m friends getting hurt or even being killed, I get very emotional when it comes to my friends.

We let go after a long, bone breaking, hug. "Well, I'll see ya guys around," I said, trying to imitate Jack's Irish accent. He stared at me, "That's not funny," He said pointing at me. I couldn't keep a straight face, I laughed a bit and walked away from camp.

It has been about 2 hours since I last saw my friends. Right now I was running around trying to avoid the city. I was wearing my camo jacket and some black leggings, my cap stayed on whilst I was running.

Suddenly I hear moans. I stopped to look around, I pull out my assault rifle. I quickly climbed a tree and sat listening to the moans. That's when I heard it, a blood-curdling scream. I looked through the leaves of the tree to see something bright blue surrounded by zombies. That's when I realize it was a person.

I jumped out of the tree and dodge and zombies around me. I ran to the person surrounded by zombies. When I saw the first zombie I started shooting. They all looked at me and attacked, they started grabbing at my jacket but I shot the. After about five minutes of killing zombies, I guess they were all gone.

My leg was killing me and so was my arm. I had another cut under my eye, I reloaded my gun and look for the person I saved.

The sight stopped me...

I knew exactly who it was...

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