Chapter 36

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I woke up in the middle of the night to some loud bang. I open my eyes and look around, the windows were boarded up with small cracks. The moonlight was seeping in through the small cracks.

Jack was still hugging me, his light snores filled the room. I unwrap Jack's arms and lean up, I yawn and lay back down.

I was just about to fall back asleep, but a loud bang interrupted me.

I lean up again and get out of bed, I walk towards the door. The door flung open, which startled me. I stumble back and fall down. My head hit the windowsill, I hold my head and look at the door. A figure in all black, I couldn't get a glimpse of their face. He started walking up to me, I wanted to scream but they were holding onto my neck.

They had their knees on my arms and was squeezing my neck, I was grunting attempting to scream. I struggled underneath them, I was kicking my legs trying to make some kind of noise.

I pound my legs on the ground, hopefully waking Jack up, but he never got up. Soon I couldn't feel anything, I could barely see anything, I closed my mouth.

I started closing my eyes, about to pass out, but suddenly I could breathe again. I started taking large breaths, I didn't open my eyes. I could hear loud crashes and bangs, then the lights flickered on and the noises stopped.

"What's going on here?!" I heard Mark yell.

"YOU!" I hear someone shout, then I heard whispering.

I felt arms pick me up and put me on the bed, I was still breathing heavily, but my eyes were closed.

"(y/n)? (y/n) can you hear me?" I could hear... Jack? Or was it Mark?

I couldn't tell, I started hearing whispers in my head.

"(y/n)!" The voice shouted. "(y/n)! Please don't leave me!" It cracked a bit.

"Jack....She's gone," Someone said, the voices started getting quieter and quieter.

The last thing I heard was the quiet sobs of someone.

I open my eyes again, and I see a figure standing in front of me. I tried moving my feet but I couldn't, I looked down. I wasn't tied up or anything, I was just frozen in place.

I look back up and the figure is gone. But I started hearing the familiar laughing of the dream I had the other night.

"Where are you!" I shout out.

"Hello again my dear," He chuckled.

I looked around and the figure was standing in front of me. "Who are you?"

"The names Anti," He chuckled "I'm Sean's demon, if you haven't noticed,"

I looked at him. He had a long slit in his neck, still dripping blood, his eyes were green with blue irises, and black pupils. "Jack's D-demon?" I echoed looking down.

Suddenly Anti was behind me, somehow he teleported to me. "Don't worry (y/n)... I won't hurt you," He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I look back at him.

"How can I trust you? Your a demon..." I asked.

"That's just it!" Anti turns away. "Everyone thinks I'm evil because I'm a demon! Nobody ever wants to sit down and talk with me, They're always afraid!"

I turn around and look at him. "I'm sorry Anti....I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover..." I walk over to him "If it helps...I'm not afraid,"

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