Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The zombie stood over me, staring into my eyes. I started screaming as it grabbed my leg and whipped me to the side. I hit my back on a tree and fell to my side.

I thought I heard someone scream but my ears were pounding with blood. The zombie jumped in my direction, I quickly pulled out my pistol and started shooting it. The zombie roared and swiped the gun out of my hand.

I tried pulling out my machete but the zombie picked my up again and threw me against another tree. I hit my side and fell on my back, I laid there, dazed. I closed my eyes, I felt a warm liquid sliding down my back, head and side. I had a hard time trying to catch my breath. I had multiple cuts and scrapes along my back, side and face. I still couldn't stand my foot was still bleeding. My whole body was screaming in pain.

The zombie started roaring, a lot. I waited silently, waiting for the zombie to end me right then and there but he just kept roaring. I opened my eyes, I see the zombie roaring at Jack. Wait..? Jack! What was he doing?!

Jack began shooting the zombie with his assault rifle, the zombie roared and jumped at Jack, but Jack slid out of the way and shot it from behind. The zombie tried to attack him but he kept jumping out of the way.

He pulled out his machete and jumped on the back of the zombie, Jack stuck it into the zombie's neck like I did the other day. The zombie grabbed Jack and threw him. Luckily, Jack landed on some bushes. The Hulk zombie ran over to me, he tried to grab me but Jack threw his shoulder into the zombie and pushed it away from me.

Jack stood between me and the zombie, it roared at us and charged. Jack pulled out his rifle and started shooting it, his machete was still stuck in the zombie. The zombie stopped to turn, Jack quickly jumped up on top of it and pushed his machete into the zombie's head. The zombie stopped and fell over, Jack jumped off it and pulled his machete out of it.

He put his machete away and ran over to me. Jack pulled out bandages and a First Aid Kit, he put some Band-Aids on the cuts on my head. Jack continued healing me, he put a bandage around my waist and one around my foot. He took off my bags and put them net to me.

"(Y/N). (Y/N)? Can you hear me?" Jack asked, I nodded my head. "Can you walk?" He asked, "No" I say just over a whisper.
"Ok then let's head back to camp and get you healed." Jack said.
"No, I'm not going back until I finished my mission. I need to know my answer." I replied, quickly. I said it too quickly my lungs started hurting.
"Ok, Ok. Calm down, we won't go back, but I'm gonna go with you to finish your mission." Jack said, I nodded.

The sun was just above us, it was about three o'clock. Maybe four. Jack sat down next to me and we sat there for the next couple minutes. Jack was staring off into space, must be thinking about something.

"I'm gonna start making camp here ok? We'll spend the night here." Jack said, all of a sudden. "Ok" I managed to say.

Jack got up and started cutting down some bushes and small trees with his machete. He put up a small fire and put down some big logs for sitting on. Jack grabbed some bushes and flattened them to make temporary beds.

"Do you think you can crawl over here?" Jack asked as he finished.
"Probably not," I replied looking at him.
"Is it ok if I carry you over here?" Jack asked putting his weapons on the ground.
"Its ok," I replied. Jack walked over to me and gently picked me up. He carried me to the bed closer to the fire, just so I would stay warm. Jack gently put me down on the ground, the leaves made a better bed than the ground did. Jack walked to them weapons and put them with my bags.

"Thank you," I whispered.
He turned around "For what?"
"I said thank you. For saving me and healing me," I repeated looking at him.
"Your Welcome M'lady," Jack replied smiling at me. I smiled back.

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