Chapter 28 - ReUniuted

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I open my eyes to come face to face with a zombie. I scream and push it into the fire. Felix and Ethan jumped up with guns in their hands, the zombie moaned as it burned in the fire.

Ethan helped me up and away from the burning zombies. It started to stink, "Ok, everybody, pack up. Before that horde finds us," I said grabbing my sleeping bag and stuffing it in my bag.

Everybody packed up and got on their Elk. I got a piece of bread out and fed it to Sven, he gladly ate it and started walking. I looked beind me and saw Felix, Felix, Marzia and Ethan on an Elk, then two other Elks.

I saw the burning town behind us. My fiance and friend were still in there. The thoughts were killing me. Should I go back and help them? Or will it kill me? Are they even alive? Or are they...dead?

I couldn't handle it anymore, I turn towards the rest of them. "Guys! Continue going! I'm going back!" I said turning towards the town, but Ethan stopped me.

"(y/n), I know Jack is your fiance but that horde is huge. What would we tell Jack if you had died? If he comes back?" Felix asked.

"But what if they need out help? I can't just sit here and wait for them to come back, and then find out that they are dead! And I could have helped them! Marzia you're in charge for now," I said as I took one of the Elk with out rider with me.


They left us...

Mark and I continued fighting throughout the night. We started walking towards the last place we saw them. That's when Mark collapsed, I fell to my knees by his sides.

"Mark, come on, don't do this to me," I said shaking him awake. His eyes opened and he struggled to get up.

"Don't do this! Come on Mark fight through it!" I said helping him up to his legs.

"I...just...need...sleep," He whispered as he leaned against me.

"I know I need some too," I said yawning.

Suddenly a hooded stanger walked up to us, I couldn't see their face, all I saw was Brown or Black hair I couldn't really tell. They had an axe pointing at our throats.


I saw Jack and Mark in the distance, but then I saw a hooded person walk up to them.

I gently kicked Sven's side making him run.

The stranger didn't hear us coming. Until they finally turned around and saw us, but by then it was too late. Sven bucked his head and the stranger got hooked on his antlers.

"(y/n)!" I heard Jack cry in joy. I looked back at Jack and smiled.

I look back at the stranger, "Who are you?" I asked as they slowly started pulling down their hood. They pulled their hood off and I saw a girl's face.

"S-Sam," I stared at her in disbelief.

"(y/n)? (y/n)? (y/l/n)?" She asked, 

(a/n ~~ (Y/L/N) Means (Your/Last/Name) Including your first name,) 

I nodded slowly. I touched Sven's head and released her, I jumped off him and hugged Sam. "I've missed you,"  Sam said tearing up.

"Who is that?" Sam asked pointing at Jack and Mark.

We pulled apart. "That is my fiance, Jack and our friend Mark," I introduced them to her.

"(y/n)? Who is that?" Jack asked 

"Jack, Mark, this is my other little sister Samatha," I said.

"Other? What about Grace?" Sam asked

I looked away, "Grace is.... dead, along with mom and dad," I say slowly.

Jack gets up, slowly and runs over to me and give me a bear hug. Mark slowly gets up holding his head.

"What happened to them?" Sam asked looking down.

"Jack and I went home and found her but then our friend, Dan, killed her and almost killed me. And Grace told me that mom and dad were taken away," I explained, still hugging Jack.

Suddenly there was a moan all around us. Jack and I pull apart and look around, zombies were walking toward us. Sven comes up to me with the other Elk next to him.

"Everyone on an Elk now!" I said jumping on Sven, Jack jumped on Sven with me. Sam jumped on the other Elk along with Mark. I lightly kicked Sven's side and he took off, Jack had to wrap his arms around my waist to hold on, I had my hands on the base of Sven's antlers.

We rode until we got to the forest, Sven started to walk, so I jumped off him and walked. I pulled out some bread and fed them. Jack jumped off pun an arm around me.

"Why did you leave us over night?" Jack asked, sounding hurt.

"Felix wouldn't let me go back last night. Today I didn't listen and just went. And I'm glad I did," I replied, Kissing his cheek. I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued to walk. He smiled and I smiled back/

Then I saw Mark smiling as he had his arms around Sam.

Something is up with him....


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