Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I opened my eyes, to sunshine in my face, I sat up and yawned. I looked over, Jack was sleeping in Marks bed, then I realized Mark was also sound asleep in a sleeping bag on the floor. 

I get up, and carefully walk over Mark. I change into a green shirt and some jean shorts. I get some cookie mix and make cookies. Surprisingly Jack didn't wake up.

About 20 minutes later, they were done, hot but done. I put the stuff away and faced Jack and Mark.
"Wake up there is cookies!!" I scream, and Jack jumped up and was standing up.
Mark jumped and looked at me, he got up and stretched. 

"I know that would wake you guys up," I said holding back a laugh. Jack went to reach for a cookie.
"Those just came out. I would wait for a bit. Besides, get ready because we are doing some training." I said to him as I walked outside.
"What?" I could hear Jack say. 

I walked over to the weapons table. Mark and Jack walked out of the RV and up to me, they were already dressed and ready

Wow, men get changed fast I thought.

"What is out training?" Mark asked.
"Well to get in shape, run a lap around the camp," I said moving some guns and weapons around.
"Why I just woke up..." Jack said yawning. I turn them around and push them both towards the gate, they stare back at me.

"Start at the gate and run a lap, you'll wake up faster," I said pushing them in that direction, and turning back to the table.
"But I'm in charge, I could easily kick you out,"  Mark said turning around, Jack started at Mark.
"Well, I better start walking then," I said as I grabbed my bag, that happened to be under the table.
"Woah, Woah, Woah, I'm just kidding," Mark said, I put it back on the ground.
"Fine, for today I'm gonna be the one in charge. Is that OK Mark," I asked.
Mark looked at me and nods. 
"Warm up, run a lap around the camp," I said making myself clear.

I heard them sigh, as they walked to the gate. I moved the guns to one side of the table and the machetes, knives, axes, and swords to the other side. Mark and Jack jogged around the camp, I watched as they stopped at the gate and walked back up to me. 

"Now what?" Mark asked, crossing his arms.

"Now," I said turning around and handing Mark and Jack pieces of plywood, "We are making targets, so we can target practice."
They go to one of the tables to the far right and grab saws and paint. I walked over to watch and help them, they made some small targets and some big ones. I painted perfect circles on the wood, then painted zombies on some.
Mark looked at me weirdly, when I made them, "Why did you paint zombies?" he asked.
I looked up at him. "Sooner or later you'll be doing an obstacle course," I replied.

After that, I hung the, up on trees, the fence, outside of the fence and ones behind trees. I handed them assault rifles and told them to shoot the targets. I climbed to the top of the RV to watch them, I sat crisscrossed on top. Jack had the assault rifle while Mark preferred a machete. Jack shot at the ones he could see, and Mark sliced some that popped up in front.

Jack and Mark walked around, as I watched at the top. I then noticed a target was unharmed, they walked right past it. "Mark! Jack! Behind You!" I shouted. They both jumped and turned around, Jack pulled up his gun whilst Mark sliced the target in half.

"Good job guys!" I said, clapping as I got up.
"Thank you," Jack said, bowing.
"Thanks, now your turn," Mark said, staring up at me.
"Ha Ha in your dreams," I said. I looked at the sun, it looked like it was 3 o'clock or 4.
"Now what?" Jack asked, putting his gun on the table.
"I think we are done for today, let's just go take these targets down," I said as I jumped off the RV, I did a front flip in midair too. I landed on my feet, Mark and Jack stared at me, amazed.
"Let's go, boys," I said, walking between them, patting them both on the back whilst walking away.


I was walking around the gate, seeing if I could find the missing target. Mark was inside taking a shower because he demanded it. Jack was on the other side of camp looking for the target. It was getting dark by the minute, I thought I collected all the targets but I was missing one.

I looked around and saw it on an outside tree. I walked over and opened the gate, I reached up for it but I couldn't reach it. I sighed and looked back into camp, "Jack!" I shouted, cupping a hand around my mouth.
He didn't seem to hear me. "JACK!" I shouted a little louder.

Suddenly something hugged me from behind, it wasn't like a zombie because I could see their skin colour. They put their hand on my mouth and covered my nose. I screamed but it was muffled, I started kicking at them but I started losing control over my body. My eyelids started dropping and the last thing I remembered was being dragged away.

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