Chapter 7

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I woke up to Mark shaking me. "(Y/N) it's time you start going on night shift." He whispered. 

"Ok" I mumbled as I got up.
"Just come and wake me up if there is a problem," Mark said as he crawled into bed.
"Sure thing," I said yawning. I jumped out of the RV, and walk over to the table of weapon's, I grabbed a pistol and a machete. I climb on top of the RV and sit down watching the camp.

The fire was out, there were no lights on. The forest was empty, nothing moved. The leaves would rustle once every couple of minutes, so would the bushes.

I started dozing off, I tried to read my cracked watched. I think it said 4 maybe 5 in the morning. I could see the sky starting to light up, so my guess is that it was 5 am. I put my face against my fist and start to doze off.

Suddenly I hear a gunshot and a shout that sounded like "Phil". I look around, It sounded close. I get up and jump off the RV.

My leg started hurting again, I look at it and noticed that it had started bleeding. I stand up and another gunshot is fired, I heard it whistle by my face.

I run inside and shook Mark awake. "W-What?" Mark groaned.

"Mark!" Someone is shooting at us! I about just got shot!" I shouted at him. He jumped up and grabbed an assault rifle and carefully walked outside. "Stay Here" Mark ordered.

"What's happening?" I hear Jack say sleepily.
I turn and look at him. "Someone was shooting at me and Mark. We went to investigate." I said,
"Did you get shot?" Jack asked, I could see a flash of worry in his eyes. "No, I didn't get shot," I reassured him. "But your leg is bleeding," Jack said pointing at it. "I know, it's my cut. It started bleeding again." I said. I sat down on the ground and waited for Mark. I leant my head against Mark's bed.

Mark burst through the door, me and Jack jumped a bit. "Well?" I asked him as I got up. "Don't worry, they're my friends," Mark said, he looked behind him. "Come on in guys!"

Mark walked inside and was followed by Felix, Dan and Phil. "Felix! Dan! Phil!" Jack called out.

"Jack! What happened to you?" Felix asked. Jack and I glanced at each other.
"Long story, I'll tell you later," Jack replied.
"Who's this?" Dan asked looking at me.
"Really Dan? It's me. (Y/N)?" I said.
"(Y/N)? Really? You've changed. A lot." Phil replied giving me a hug.
"It has been 4 years so I did change a little," I said, as Phil let go.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Jack asked as he sat up.
"We were just walking around when Phil, got scared and shot his gun. We heard movement again and saw something. Phil shot again. Then Mark came out and here we are." Dan explained. Anytime Dan said the story Phil stared at him.

"Yeah, that something was me," I said
Phil gasped. "I'm so sorry I shot you!" Phil said, putting his hands over his mouth.
"No Phil, you didn't shoot me. I cut my leg on a machete the other day, and when I jumped off the RV, it started bleeding again." I explained, showing them the cut
"Oh.. I thought I shot you," Phil said, sighing in relief.
"Anyways, could we stay here with you guys?" Felix asked us.
"Sure, make yourself at home," Mark said.
"Cool! We have our own supplies. Let's not get mixed up, we've been travelling for a while we're gonna rest." Felix said as he dropped a bag and pulled sleeping bags out.
"Well, I'm gonna finish my night shift," I said as I started to walk out.
"I'll come too!" Jack said as he got up and tried to follow me. "Woah, Woah, Woah... You need to rest. Your side is still pretty bad." I said stopping him by putting my hand on his chest.
"Im fine though" Jack whined like a little child not getting his way.
"Fine, come on, you little baby," I said as I walked out with my pistol and machete. He grabbed his assault rifle and we walked around.
"So are you leaving today?" Jack asked all of a sudden.
"What?" I asked looking at him, just bright enough I could see his face.
"Today's your third day," Jack said, with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Oh" I replied, looking down. I wanted to leave just to go explore but something deep down is yelling at me to stay. I couldn't make my mind, my brain is yelling at me to leave. But my heart is telling me to stay.
"(Y/N)?" Jack asked, breaking my thoughts.
"I'm probably gonna... leave today. Just to explore." I said, scratching the back of my neck.
"When will you leave?" Jack asked, looking away to hide his face.
"Probably after this, so I will have a full day to explore," I said as I looked into the sky, to see the sun colouring the sky with pink and orange.
"Oh... Well, I guess I'll wish you the best of luck. And please don't get mad at what I'm about to do... I need a friend like you in my life." He said, looking down

I looked at him, what was he planning? He kinda looked like he was about to cry. His eyes were getting watery, his face was also going red.

He quickly turned towards me and leaned to kiss me. I wasn't expecting it, I almost dropped my gun and machete. I just stood there, not moving. When Jack pulled away, he saw me.

"Wrong time?" Jack guessed, looking away.
"No, you're fine," I said. I smiled as I continued walking forward.
"So you're not mad?" Jak asked walking up next to me.
"No I'm not mad at you," I replied. We continued walking around the camp, sunlight started shining through the forest.
"Hey, guys!" A voice said behind us. Jack and I both jumped and whipped around to be faced with Phil. "Oh, Phil... You gave us a heart attack." Jack said as he relaxed.
"Oh sorry... Anyways Mark said for me to join you guys," He looked down at my leg. "(Y/N), you might wanna change the bandage and clothes," Phil said. I looked down, my clothes were dirty and dried with blood. My leg was still bleeding and getting worse.
"Oh wow I didn't realize it was that bad. Well, I'll be right back," I said as I handed Phil my pistol and machete and ran into the RV.


(Y/N) ran inside, so it was just me and Jack outside. I was the first one to start a conversation.

"So you like (Y/N)?" I asked Jack, looking over at him.
"What makes you think that?" He asked looking over at me.
"We haven't been here 10 minutes and I can already tell you like her. You insisted that you came out here with her," I replied looking away.

"I guess... You can say I like her. We only broke up because of me." Jack said, I looked over at him wanting to hear the story and he told me about 3 years ago they were a couple but when he got mad she let him and told him never to come looking for her. And throughout those years of separation, he was heartbroken and the Zombie Apocalypse broke out, he finally met up with her and here they are.

"Wow.." I couldn't find any words to say.
"I know, tragic life story. So how have you guys been doing over the last month or so of the Zombie Apocalypse? AKA the end of the world?" Jack asked.
"Well, we were all here for Vidcon (A/N: I really don't know if Dan and Phil or Felix go to Vidcon. Again I just guessed.) but zombies broken into our apartment, me and Dan grabbed what we could and ran out trying to find a safe house, until we met up with Felix. We became a group and headed off this way. We met with a giant zombie, it looked like the Hulk! We ran away from it and we made a few camps, but then we were walking nonstop for a while that's when we found you guys," I explained.
"Wow, what level were you guys on?" Jack asked.
"Level 2. But we ran down the stairs like lightning. Well, Dan did, I kept falling down the stairs. I laughed. 
"Typical Phil," Jack replied, chuckling.

We heard the RV door open, me and Jack looked over. I swear I saw a flash of sadness in Jack's eyes. Everyone was walking out hugging (Y/N). She had a backpack on her shoulder and another bag around her other shoulder. She was wearing (F/C) Shirt with (2f/c) flowers and a camo jacket over her shoulder and a pair of jeans and some kind of camo cap.

That's when I realize...

She was leaving.

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