Chapter 42

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Dan threw me to the ground and slammed the door. He walked over and sat in a chair, rubbing his forehead, "Make food. Now," Dan ordered.

I hesitantly stood up and walked to the kitchen, I opened the cupboards and found some canned beans. I grab a can and open it, the smell makes me gag. I hold my breath and make a small fire and cook the beans.

Once they were cooked I walked over and handed a spoon and the can to Dan. He looked up at me and then took them.

I walked over towards the door and sat against the wall. What am I doing? Why does Dan have to be so cruel? Why am I still asking myself these questions and I still have no answer is?

Something hit my head and spilt on my leg, it started burning. I bite my tongue and wipe it off, I realized what it was. Dan's beans. He threw them at me.

"Why did you throw me these?" I demanded.

"They were too old, I didn't like them.." Dan said.

"If you weren't so picky maybe you'd like them," I mumble.

Dan stood up. "What was that?"


He walked over and punches me in the jaw, "Repeat who you said,"

"I said, 'If you weren't so picky, maybe you'd like them'" I repeated.

Dan kicked my side, making me fall over. Once I was down he kicked my forehead, "What did I say about talking back?" He kicked the back of my head and walked away.

I say there for a while, suddenly everything went black...

I wake up, on the ground of a dark room. I slowly get up and look around,  all I could see was darkness. I heard some static noise.

"Hello?" I call out.

"(y/n)! Come here!" A familiar static voice said.

I started running to where I heard Anti. I found him by a large screen and some weird machinery.

"What is all of this?  I asked walking up beside him.

"The room I can watch Jack with," Anti said, "Not to be a stalker or anything...."

"Let me guess, the machinery over here somehow calculates Jack's eyesight and you use this projector to watch him?"  I said, thinking.

"Close, but you forgot something.....I can also speak to Jack," Anti said as we walked over to a microphone and picked it up.

"You can talk to Jack? Let me talk to him!" I said as I ran over to him. Anti put his arm in front of me and stopped.

"I can't...." Anti said, looking down and putting his arm down.

"Why not?" I asked.

"He said never to speak to him unless it's an emergency," Anti said, looking at the screen, I looked too.

It looked like Jack was sitting down on our bed, he was constantly wiping his.....cheeks? I think he was crying.

"But this is an emergency!" I said.

"He's crying, let's not bother him," Anti said and looked at me.

"But I know why...." I pleaded.


I explained to Anti about what Dan had done to me all day, how he has been abusing me ever since I went with him. Then I showed him my back, my face and my leg.

"I think I should talk to him..." I finished.

Anti was shocked at what I had said. He put down the microphone and hugged me. I was confused at first but I hugged back.

"Even I like hurting people...but not like that...I'm sorry you had to go through that," Anti said

"There is no need to apologize Anti....It wasn't your fault," I replied as he let go and picked up the microphone. He clicked a button.

"Jack? Can you hear me?" Anti talked into the microphone.

"Anti! I Told you not to talk to me when I'm busy!" Jack said, his voice cracking.

"I thought maybe you would want to talk to someone...I guess not," Anti said.

"Who else would I talk to? Your the only person in there," Jack said.

Anti looked over at me and gestured to the microphone. I walked over to him and held it.

"I wouldn't doubt that one Jack," I said smiling.

"(y/n)? Is that you? How are you up there? What has Dan done to you? What-"

"Jack calm down, I'm fine. I've been talking with Anti for a couple of days now, I passed put when Dan kicked my head?" I explained.

"Wait...did you sat Dan kicked your head?" Jack almost shouted.

"Yeah, he's been abusing me. Why do think I was holding my stomach when you found me earlier?"

"I'm gonna kill that son of a ---"

"I'm gonna stop you there Jack, We need to think of a plan, You can't just walk in and try to kill him...." Anti said.

"Yeah, he's right... Dan's master plan is to get rid of both of us. Making our life a living nightmare....How do we beat him?" I asked,

"He survived a zombie attack, has scars along his face, arms and body. He takes what's important to most people....and he can't die. How do we stop him?" Jack said,

Then there was silence,

"Wait, Anti?" Jack asked,


"Aren't you invincible,"


"That means you can't get hurt? In any shape or form?"


Suddenly everything seemed to get dizzy. I stumble back but before I could fall, Anti caught me.

"I think Dan is waking me up...I have to go," I said and stood up.

"OK, we'll think of a plan...I'll see you soon (y/n)," Jack said.

"bye Jack, Bye Anti," I said and everything withered away.

I woke up and looked around. Dan was sitting back down and thinking in his chair. I stood up and saw a Glitchy figure lying

next to me.

Then I was Anti.....

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