Chapter 16

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"Of course it is," I said as I walked out of the hollowed out tree trunk. I was kinda dressed up. I didn't have a tuxedo on because I don't have one right now. The only dress clothes I had was a pair of jeans, a dark green sweatshirt and then a red shirt underneath.

My hair was combed to the left side of my face. Somehow Mark had saved a comb when we escaped from our hotel, when the Apocalypse first started. I also had my glasses on, because I always do when I'm dressed up.

(Y/N)'s face lit up when she saw me. I think she might have blushed? But it couldn't tell.

I nodded to Mark and he started walking down the path, with (Y/N) following behind him. Even though she was wearing a grey sweatshirt, a beanie, some skinny jeans, and no makeup, she still looked cute.

Dan and Phil were behind me, setting up the picnic. They were putting lights inside of the tree, getting some more (F/C) flowers.

(Y/N) seemed to gasp, I didn't hear it but I saw her.

Felix, Ethan and Wade were holding weapons, on the enclosure, just so no zombies come and ruin this. I would feel so bad if zombies ruined this date. We spent so long making this.

YOUR P.O.V (sorry for the P.O.V changes)

Mark walked down the path and I followed behind him.

All of this was beautiful, I was really impressed. This was way better than the last date I was on. The date hasn't even started and I'm already impressed!

Dan and Phil got inside of the trunk good and walked out. Phil was smiling and gave Jack a thumbs up. Dan, on the other hand, wasn't smiling instead he was glaring at Jack.

Phil dragged Dan away from us, by his arm.

"Shall we?" Jack asked.

"We shall," I replied.

Jack gently grabbed my hand and led me to the tree. We sat down and Mark walked up beside us, according to Jack's face, not as planned.

"Tonight I'll be your waiter!" Mark said in a horrible Irish accent.

I giggled and put my hand over my mouth. Jack was embarrassed, or angry because his face went red.

"What would you like Lassie?" Mark asked, still trying to be Irish.

"What is there to eat?" I asked, removing my hand.

"We have Peanut Butter and Jelly;  Cooked Pork or Fried Beans. All made by our fabulous cooks Marzia and Grace." Mark said in his Irish accent.

I laugh again, this time Jack joins in. I have to admit, Mark's Irish accent is really bad. He sounds more like a Scottish man instead of an Irish man.

"I'll take some Cooked Pork please," I said, giggling.

"Ok and you sir?" Mark asked, becoming an Irish or Scotish man.

"Peanut Butter and Jelly please," Jack said once he finished laughing.

"Ok I'll be right back with your food," He said bowing while he walked backwards.

Once he was out of sight Jack and I started laughing. Jack was laughing as hard as I was, Mark talking Irish was not part of the plan.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know! He's just being Mark," I giggled. Jack started laughing with me too. Then we saw Mark come back with two paper plates in his hands.

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