Chapter 32 ~~ Zombie Accident.

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"I think it's time we go to bed, everyone's yawning," Mark said yawning.

"Who's on patrol?" Jack asked.

"You and (y/n),"

"Awwwww.... but I'm tired," I whined.

"Who's the 4-year old now?" Jack looked at me.

I elbowed him in the side and get up. He rubs his side, "Ow," he glares at me.

"I barely touched you," I replied putting my hand on my hip.

"It still hurts," Jack said quietly as he got up.

I hug him, "I'm sorry.... are you happy now?"

"Yeah, I am," He replies in his normal voice.

"You guys are so cute together!" Marzia said, holding back a squeal.

I turn around but Jack hugs me from behind, I just smile and close my eyes, Jack rests his chin on the top of my head as everyone gets in a sleeping bag and sleeps.

Jack let's go of me and I walk over to Sam. She was still awake but has been silent all day. I crouch down and touch her shoulder. She jumps and turns around, but she realizes when she sees me.

"Is there something on your mind? You haven't spoken all day," I said sitting down beside her.

"I still don't trust those guys, they seem a bit.... weird," She replies rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"There is no need to be afraid, I trust these guys with my life. Especially Jack. He saved me today, I could've died," I say yawning.

"Whatever you say," She mumbles as she yawns again. "Night," 

"Goodnight," I reply as I grabbed a machete and walk over to Jack. After about 10 minutes of just sitting down.

I yawn and rub my forehead. "Something wrong?" Jack asked. He was crouched by his bag, pulling clothes out of his bag to grab his pistol.

"Everything," I reply.

"How bad?" Jack asked putting his clothes away.

"I have a lot of thoughts about life that can't be answered," I said rubbing my forehead again.

"Like what?" Jack asked, zipping up his bag and getting up.

"Like, 'Are we ever gonna get out of this cave?' , 'Will we even survive the Apocalypse?' , 'Will this nightmare end?' 'How will we ever raise a family?' " I replied, sighing.

Jack, immediately, walked over and pulled me into a hug. "There is no need to worry. We WILL get out of this cave. We WILL get out of this cave. We WILL survive the Apocalypse. This nightmare WILL end. And the world may be overrun by zombies, but that isn't stopping us," Jack said calmly, as he rubbed my back.

I smiled. "Thank you, Jack, I really needed that speech,"

"No problem, (n/n)," He said kissing the top of my head.

"(n/n)?" I ask.

Jack pulled away. "What you don't like it?" Jack asked, acting sad.

"No, I don't..." I replied. He looked down, I leaned over and kissed his cheek like earlier today, "I love it," He looked up and smiled.

I grab a torch and walked around the cave. Jack grabbed his pistol and walked beside me. I had the torch in my left hand and the machete in my right hand. (a/n: Sorry for all you lefties out there)

We walked in complete silence. Until I heard something. Like clawing. I put my arm out in front of Jack, so he stops. "What?".


We listen some more and the clawing stops.

"What was that?" Jack asks.

"I don't know, we better keep moving," I said walking ahead.

Suddenly Jack yelped and dropped to the ground. I whipped around and saw a zombie attached to Jack's leg, biting into it. I quickly kicked it off his leg and cut its head off.

(Warning: Might be gory for some people. If you have a weak stomach don't read until there is another bold part)

Jack was all tensed up on the ground. I crouched down next to his leg and lift his pant leg. The bite was oozing and turning green, it was getting infected. I put the torch in a crack on the ground.

"I'm sorry Jack...but....this is gonna hurt," I said, as I grabbed my machete and put the blade up to his leg. 

I took over at Jack, his face was pale and he was breathing heavily. I have to do this fast or Jack will turn into a zombie.

The metal blade was on Jack's leg, my eyes started to water as I dug the blade into Jack's skin. He tried his best not to scream, he just let tears fall.

I quickly pull the blade away, "I can't...." I whisper to Jack.

"," Jack whispered, I could barely hear him.

I put the blade into the cut and start to cry silently as the blade dug into his skin. I finally cut the bite off Jacks' leg, I put my machete next to Jack and run over to our stuff and grabbed the First Aid Kit. I run back over to Jack.

Jack was still on the ground, breathing heavily. I crouch down next to his leg again and pull out a bandage, I wrapped it around his leg, the large cut was still oozing blood. The Bandage I used, started soaking the blood up. I pull out another bandage and put it on Jack's leg.

I look over at Jack. He was still breathing heavily, his face was wet with tears and his eyes were closed. I scoot over to his face and wipe his tears away, with my thumb.

(Warning: Your good to read further on. No more gore :]) 

I pull my hand away and wipe Jack's blood off the machete.

Suddenly Jack jolts up and looks around. He looks at me "(y/n)? What happened?"

"You got bit from a zombie. I had to cut part of your leg off, I thought...." I sighed, "I thought..... you didn't make it," I replied looking down.

Jack noticed that I was crying and wiped my tears with his thumb. I look up at him and smile. He puts his arms around me and pulls me into a hug.

We hugged for a good two minutes. Then Jack pulled away and tried to get up. I got up next to him and helped him up, he put his arm around my neck and I helped him walk over to Sven and Chica. He sat down and I put a blanket on him.

I went to get up but Jack grabbed my wrist. I turn and looked at him.

"Just wake up Mark, Felix or Ethan. Please," Jack whined like a 3 year old.

"Fine, I'll wake Ethan," I replied walking away and over to Ethan. He was asleep in a sleeping bag, alone, but he was closest to Sam. I crouched down next to him and gently shook his shoulder.

"W-What?" He rubbed his eyes. Ethan yawned and looked at me.

"It's your turn for nightshift," I whispered.

"Okay..." He replied yawning as he got up.

I stood up and started walking back to Jack. "Oh and you might wanna wake someone else just in case,"

"Ok, thanks," He replied.

I walk over to Jack and sit down next to him. He puts an arm around me and I lean my hea onto his shoulder.

"Goodnight," Jack whispered as he leaned his head on top of my head.

"Goodnight," I whisper back and with that, I fell asleep.


(a/n: Sorry the chapters will be delayed going though sad time at the minute and probably will be for a couple months but that wont stop chapters coming out,)

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