Chapter 47

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We played about 4 more rounds of truth or dare. Mark, Amy, and Marzia went into the kitchen to make some food. Everyone else stayed in the living room.

Jack got up and walked past me, "Meet me outside," he whispered to me.

"I'll be right back guys," I said to everyone else.

"Ok!" Everyone replied together.

I walked outside and found Jack sitting on a bench under a broken street. I walked over and sat down beside him, I looked down at the ground and put my hands on my lap.

"(y/n), I was wondering.....if we could get married within the next few days. I don't want, what happened to you with Dan to happen again," Jack said.

"Yeah, and we still have to deal with Signe..." I replied.

"Oh, and about Signe," Jack said. "She wasn't really my ex...she was my girlfriend... I wanted to propose to her before we got separated...then I saw you and couldn't get you out of my mind..." Jack said, then he pointed at the ring. "I've had that ring for a while...I wanted to propose to you before we broke up,"

I look at the ring, "Oh..."

"So how about we worry about finding our outfits before the wedding day?" I ask.

"OK, we can spend the rest of the day looking for them and if we need to tomorrow and the next day," Jack said.

"Ok, let's go with the others and get some help," I said standing up.

"After food. Right?" Jack said.

I look over at him and roll my eyes. "Fine...." I sighed but smiled.

"Yay!" Jack shouted jumping into the air and then kissing my cheek. He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me back to the house.

We ate with everyone else and told them what we had to find. They all agreed that they would help us find a wedding dress and tuxedos. I heard that it's bad luck if the boy sees the dress before the marriage and if he sees the girl.

We walked into our fifth house that had a broken down car that said, 'Just Married!'

"My guess is that the dress is here..." Sam said as we walked in.

"Let's split up, I'll check upstairs," I said and climbed the stairs.

There were a few closets and rooms, I open one door and see blood everywhere and a dead zombie. I look around not seeing any dress, so I close the door and walk to the next room.

I open one closet and see a wrapped piece of clothing. I hold it up and see the wedding dress inside. "Guys! I found it!" I yelled and I hear them run upstairs.

"Take off the plastic!" Amy said.

"I wanna see what it looks like!" Marzia squeals.

"Ok, Ok! Calm down guys," I said and took off the plastic.

The dress was perfect! The ends weren't too long so I couldn't trip, that would have been horrible if I did that on my wedding Day. There weren't any sleeves on it. I was in love with the dress.

"I love it!" Sam shouts.

"It's so beautiful," Marzia squeals.

"I can imagine you in it," Amy says.

"Thank you, guys..." I smile at the dress and wrap it back up. I hand it off to Sam and I begin to look inside the closet some more. I find 3 other dresses, I turn around and look at the girls.

"(y/n)? What are you looking for?"

"I forgot to ask something," I said, ignoring Sam. "Do you guys wanna be my Bridesmaids? And Sam will you be the Best Women?"

Sam almost dropped my wedding dress, all their eyes widened. "YES!" They all shouted at the same time.

I had to step back because they were extremely loud. "Well, I got my answer," I said.

I look through the closet and grab 3 dresses, "Here are your dresses,"

They all squeal and take one.

Sam hands me my dress and we start to head back to the house. I saw the house in the distance, I gave my dress to Marzia and they gave their dresses to Amy.

"Don't let the guys see the dresses, especially Jack," I said.

Suddenly something grabbed onto my waist and I was lifted off the ground. "I heard my name?" Jack said.

"Good timing," I replied as he put me down. "We found the dresses, just you can't see mine," I covered his eyes.

"But whhyyy?" He whined.

"Do you want Bad Luck at our wedding?" I ask.

"No....." He said, with a frown.

"Anyway.....did you find the tuxedos?" I ask.

"Yes!" Mark said and holds four tuxedos up

"Good!" I said.

"So, I was thinking, could the wedding be tomorrow?" Jack asked.

I thought for a moment, "Why not!" I said smiling.

"Yay!" Jack celebrated.

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