Chapter 40

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It was fun to play the waiter for Sam's Date...

She looked like she was enjoying it. Once Sam and Ethan ran off to the meadow, Jack and I went back home.

We were walking down the street until I heard a groan. Jack and I both stopped. I looked around and saw them, zombies were running down the road. There were two small differences about them,

These ones were faster....and uglier...

I grab Jack's hand and take off running down the streets. We turned down a road and headed for the meadow.


Jack and I ran into the meadow, but only to get surrounded by zombies. We stand in one circle as the zombies surrounded us.

I put out my crossbow and Jack pulls out his assault rifle.

I start shooting the zombies, a few arrows going through more than one zombies. Jack started shooting making less than half of the zombies die before he reloaded.

A zombie was creeping up behind Jack, I quickly turn and shoot it, the arrow shot through the zombie's chest and into the next couple zombies behind it.

Then a zombie jumped on my back, I elbowed its side and it jumped off. I kicked it down and shot its head, I pull the arrow out of the ground as Jack grabs my arm and runs towards Ethan and Sam.

We started running and dodging zombies, but a zombie was looming over them. I aim and shoot the zombie, the arrow flung back. Sam turned around and saw us, Sam turned around and saw us, I helped her up.

"What do we do?" Sam asks.

The zombies were getting closer, I put an arm in front of Sam and Ethan, I look at them and they look at me.

"You guys go, me and Jack will fight them off," I said getting my machete out.

"Are you sure," Sam and Ethan say at the same time.

"Yes, go!" I yell as Sam and Ethan take off running. Some zombies were running behind them,  I got an arrow out and shot the zombies in a row. Then I suddenly fell face first on the ground. I turn on my back, a zombie was holding onto my shoe.

"(y/n)!" I heard Jack yell. I kicked the zombie with my other foot. It finally let go and I was getting ready to put my shoe back on. I finally have done that and got back up but to be then pushed back down.

Zombies were piling on top of me. I screamed as I heard gunshots, I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth.

Am I going to die? Is this the end? Is this how I'm going to die?

Thoughts roamed my head as I heard fate screams and groans.

Am I going to meet my family again? Will Dan and Signe be happy? How will Jack feel?

As soon as that thought came to mind, I started pushing the zombies off me. I groaned as I push them off me with all my force. I pushed the zombies back a little, they were in a circle around me.

I took my machete and spun in a circle cutting the zombies in half. When I stopped, I face Jack. His mouth was wide open and I saw amazement in his eyes. My shoulder hurt, but I didn't check it.

"(y/n)!" Jack yelled in excitement and dropped his gun and ran over to me. Still kind of limping from his leg,  but he still ran.

I dropped my machete and held my arms open wide. As soon as Jack touched me, he lifted me off the ground and spun me around. I held on as tight as he spun. He finally stopped spinning but he still hugged me, tight.

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