Chapter 45

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(y/d/n) ~ Your demon name.

Anti finally pulled away and I pushed him. Before he could talk or do anything, I ran upstairs into the room Jack was in.

"(y/n)?" Jack saw me, "(y/n), whats wrong," He asked sitting up.

I walked over and hugged him. Jack was shocked at first but then he hugged back, he put his chin on top of my head.

I started tearing up once again....Why are boys always trying to date me? This was the second time it had happened...and I want it to stop. First Dan, now Anti? Who's next? Fricken Bob probably.

"(Y/n)....why are you so upset?" Jack asked rubbing my back.

"Anti...may or may not," I said into his chest.

Jack was speechless, he just hugged me tighter. Aren't Jack and Anti the same person? Why would that matter? But Anti is a separate body from Jack.

"He promised me he wouldn't...." Jack said.

I sat there, confused, "What?" I asked pulling away from him.

"Anti has always had a crush on you. Well your demon," He replied.

"I don't have a demon...." I said as I sat on my knees.

Jack nodded. "You do, Anti has told me about her...her name is (y/d/n), He must have thought you were her,"

I was still confused...but that name.....(y/d/n). It sounded so some way....then it clicked,"

"Wait....(y/d/n)? I remember that name from when I was a little girl, she would talk to me from time to time....she stopped talking to me after a while...." I trailed off.


"About 3/4 years ago," I replied.

"Can you talk to her now?"

"I don't know how...."

"Just start talking in your head, if she's there she will hear you and talk back," Jack said.

"OK.....but how will she become a person? Like Anti?" I asked.

Jack looked away for a minute, thinking. "I don't think she can,"

"OKay....I can try talking to her..." I said. I closed my eyes and looked down, I don't know why but I did.

"(y/d/n)? Are you there?" I asked

I  wait a little bit for a respone.

Then the door opened. I opened my eyes, turn around and saw Anti. I backed up a bit, but ran into Jack's legs.

"Hey (y/n)? Can I talk to you? Alone, if that's alright?" Anti asked, he didn't sound mad or anthing. He just sounded kind of sad.

"Why, what's up?" I asked.

"I just wanna talk," Anti said and looked down.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say it right here," Jack said, he put both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Fine! I just wanted to say I'm sorry....for kissing you earlier..." Anti said rubbing his arm.

"Oh....well...apology accepted, Anti..." I said,


I closed my eyes and nodded slightly.

'(y/n)? Is that you?' A voice in my head.

'yeah, it's me...' I thought.

''ve you been?' She asked

''s been awhile...'

'Sorry about that...heh....I was busy with my last relationship...I guess..'

'Lemme guess with Anti'

'Yep! Anti and I are a couple...'

'Yeah about that...Anti may or may not have kissed me...b-but he thought I was you...but he did apologize,' I said quickly.

'Oh ok, he said he would be gone for a little bit to help a friend,' (y/d/n) replied.

'Can you make Anti go back to wherever you are at? Jack and I don't have enough room in this tiny house,' I thought.

'Okay...he'll be back home tonight,'

'Okay.....thank you,'

I opened my eyes and Anti was out of the room, the door was closed and Jack as lay back down. I sighed in relief and rest my head on the bed frame.

"What now?" Jack asked.

"Nothing...." I smile.

"Your means something...." Jack said as he slapped my head playfully.

"Stop...." I said trying to grab his wrist to make him stop.

"But....whyy?" He whined.

"Oh god not the whining...I'll be downstairs making food. Would you like something?" I asked. I got up and walk to the doorway.

"Sure..beans please," Jack said smiling.

"Okay...." I said and walked downstairs.

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