Chapter 21 ~~ Revenge goes both ways

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(A/n: The first part (Grace's P.O.V) is a bit gross sorry, so just skip forward (I'll put another A/N so you know where it is) OK thanks for yea i don't know see ya whenever i put another a/n bai)

GRACE'S P.O.V (Finally a P.O.V change)

I woke up to Dan carrying me somewhere. "Dan?" I said yawning. "Shhhh..." Dan said, putting his hand over my mouth.

He carried me for a few minutes then put me down and crouched over me. He looked like he pulled something out.

"Dan what are you doing?" I asked.

"Shhh...." He said as he wrapped something around me. It was a rope. Then he pulled out something else, the moonlight reflected off it.

Dan pulled my sleeve, then put the shiny object to my arm and in a fast motion sliced my arm. I screamed out in pain hoping (y/n), Marzia or Jack could hear me.

He did it again on the same arm, then he moved to the other arm. Blood was running down my bare arms. Then he didn't bother lifting my shirt or arms, he just cut my side in another fast motion.

I wished it would've stopped. I wanted it to end. I kept screaming and Dan wasn't bothered by it.

Dan then did the unthinkable. He held the object to my neck. I screamed louder. "Help me! Please!" I cried.

Then the object jerked back and so did Dan. I looked over and saw (y/n). "Grace! Are you ok?" She crouched down next to me.

"He cut me w-with s-something sharp. A-and it h-hurts," I said crying.

"It's ok, Your gonna be fine. I promise, you're gonna be fine," She started stroking my hair and picking me up.

(y/n) dropped the object and fell back. Dan stood behind her and grabbed the object. (Sorry (y/n), but you asked for this," He said chuckling as he cut her shoulder

(a/n: Okay it's not that gross and brutal now so yeah you can now read on,)

YOUR P.O.V (And we're back)

"It's ok. You're gonna be fine. I promise you'll be fine." I said to Grace as I stroked her hair. I started picking her up when something cut into my side.

I gasped and put down Grace, I started breathing heavily as I looked at the machete in my side. Blood leaking out of my side, I quickly pulled it out dropped it. My blood covers it like paint, Dan stood up from behind me.

"(y/n)?" I heard Grace asked as she started crying again.

I lost all feeling around my side and fell backwards. I could hear Dan chuckling.

"Sorry (y/n), but you asked for this," He said as I felt another pain on my shoulder. Dan shifted off me and I could hear Grace scream again, but it was cut off by a slicing sound.

"Hope you said bye to your sister (y/n)" was the thing I heard him chuckle as another pain shot through my body. Dan cut my other shoulder and was aiming for my neck.

"Say goodbye (y/n)," I could feel the machete up to my throat.

Suddenly I heard a grunt and a body hit the ground. Then I heard footsteps and someone yelling my name.

I knew that Irish voice anywhere. Jack shook my shoulders then picked me up. "Mark!" I could hear him yell. "Get Grace!" I heard footsteps then a gasp.

Jack started running back to the camp, carrying me. "Your gonna make it, (y/n), you have to make it, please. Don't die on me now." I could hear his voice crack and a tear hit my cheek.

"...J-Jack..." I managed to say before I passed out.

"I love you..." Was the last thing I heard from Jack.

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