Chapter 27 ~~ Separated

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(a/n: Don't get confused with the title because Jack and (y/n) are not splitting up so yeah just saying buh-bye)


I rode on Sven with Jack, most of the Elk horde left there were only six left.

That's when Mark stopped ahead of us, he turned around. "Guys I see a small town and a store. I'm gonna go check it out. Who's coming with me?" Mark asked.

"I'll go," Jack said raising his hand.

"Anyone else?" I ask.

"(y/n) you're in charge until I come back. Let's go, Jack," Mark said walking away.

"Coming Mark!" Jack shouted.

Jack gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off after Mark. The store looked abandoned from here, really here, really abandoned. I hope they find some real food.

"So (y/n), What do we do?" Felix asked.

"Umm... I guess we start to make camp here until Jack and Mark come back. Felix, Ethan start making a fire and some cook some food. Marzia and I will feed the Elk," 

They all nod. Marzia comes walking over to me, I hand her some bread.

"Buy (y/n) that's all the food you have left. Except for whipped cream," Marzia said.

"It's ok Jack and Mark will find some food," I said giving Sven some bread.

"Are you sure?" She asked feeding an Elk.

"Yep, we should name them," I said also feeding one.

"And we could put things around their necks with their names on," Marzia squealed.

"That's an awesome name," I said feeding one.

Suddenly we heard moaning. "Guys! Zombie attack the horde found us again!" I yell.

Felix and Ethan pull out guns and shoot the horde. I pull out my crossbow and shoot the zombies. One tried to bite Marzia but I shot that one with an arrow. She pulled the arrow out and gave it back to me.

The horde was getting bigger by the minute. I stopped shooting and looked at my teammates. "Guys, get on an Elk and run," I shouted over at the zombie groans.

Everybody jumped on an Elk, leaving two open, and ran away from the zombies and the town.


Mark and I walk into the abandoned store, I went down the food aisle. I looked at the shelves almost all empty. But then I see 3 loads of bread, some Canned Carrots and a bag of non-rotten apples. I opened my bag and put them in.

(A/n: Just so you don't get this paragraph confused (F/ca) = Favorite Candy.)

I looked around only to find (y/n)'s (f/ca). I grabbed a couple bags of thoes, then I found some more candy, Chocolate bar, Carmel Apple, and some Carmel candies/ (A/n: If any of those are your favourite just pretend Jack grabbed more of it.) 

I put them all in my bag and looked around for Mark. I found him in the clothes section, he held out this outfit, "Do you think (y/n) would wear this 


"Yeah, should we get two like one for today and one tomorrow?" Mark asked

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"Yeah, should we get two like one for today and one tomorrow?" Mark asked

"Sure, Okay whilst I was coming down here I saw this, your opinion?" I said



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"How are all these clothes not ripped and dirty?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Mark said shoving them in his bag.

"You got clothes for us right?" I asked.

"Yeah," He pulled out some clothes for us guys.

(a/n: I can't be bothered showing the image so just imagen something for the guys, like what they would wear in their videos)

"Cool," I replied.

Suddenly I heard zombie moans, Mark and I pull out weapons and get out of the store. As soon as we get out of the store, I saw that the rest of the group were getting on the elk and off in a direction.

"Wait!!" I yelled, trying to get their attention as I waved my hands in the air. Then I saw the horde of zombies coming toward us, I got my assault rifle out and shot the group of zombies 

(y/n)'s P.O.V

Me, Mark, Ethan and Felix started riding the Elk in a direction away from the store, wait the store. I heard a faint voice yell wait. I turned my head, I saw Jack and Mark shooting at the zombies.

"Guys, stop!" I shouted to the elk and the others. They elk slowed down and I got off and started loading my crossbow, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head.

"What are you doing?!" Felix said looking at me confused.

"We have to help!" I shouted pointing at the horde. Ethan was about to say something but then he looked at the horde, I looked, some of the zombies were coming toward us. Felix grabbed my arm.

"Come on!" He said pulling me, I tried to make him let go, but then the zombies were getting closer, I started running with them. Felix let go and continued running. I got on an Elk. I looked back, they zombies were following us, at least they aren't going for Mark and Jack.


We set up a small camp and started a fire, I sat by the fire and thought about Jack and Mark. Are they ok, are they dead? That thought almost made me cry.

Marzia must have saw me tear up because she walked over to me and gave me a good 'ol hug. She pulled away and sat down beside me. "What if we never see them again?" I said letting a few tears roll down my face before I wiped them.

"Don't worry we'll see them, if I know Mark and Jack they are brave boys," Marzia said.

She was right. Ever since I joined Mark and Jack, they've been brave. Jack risked his life for me at plenty of times, "Let's get some shut eye," Marzia said.

"Ok, I think I need it," I replied.

I lay down in my sleeping bag next to the fire since it was winter or autum, I crawl inside thinking of Jack and Mark. I rest my head on my bag and close my eyes, letting the darkness consume me.

WORD COUNT ~~ 1016.

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