Chapter 41

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"I'll get married and be your wife," (y/n) whispered.

My eyes widened. "(Y-y/n-n) d-don-n't" Sam said gasping for breath.

"Wise choice," Dan said and threw Sam to the ground. She gasped for air, she shredded a few tears. (Y/n) dropped to her knees and helped Sam stand.

I ran over and helped them, I put an arm around Sam's waist and she put her arm around my neck.

Dan grabbed (y/n)'s arm and kissed her. I wanted to punch that guys face so hard right now.

She pulled away, but he still had an arm around her. "If you don't mind us we'll be leaving," Dan said and started walking away, pulling (y/n) behind him.

(Y/n) tried to stop him by putting her heels to the ground but it didn't work. She eventually gave up, she put her head down and walked with him.

I watched as they walked out of the meadow, followed by zombies.Dan was a psychopath. How did he get a hold of Sam? Was Sam the bait and (y/n) fell for it?

Sam suddenly fell to her knees crying. I sat on my knees next to her and hugged Sam.

We sat there for a minute, Sam had stopped crying, my shirt was soaked and I was crying but I had stopped. I got up and helped Sam up,"Do you know what Dan is gonna do to her?" She asked.

I sighed, "I don't know....I just hope what I'm thinking doesn't happen..."

"What are you thinking?" She looked up at me.

"I can't might jinx her," I replied.

"Sam!" I heard from behind us.

We both turned around and I saw Ethan running up to us. He was out of breath and he hugged Sam.

"Jack? What happened? I woke up this morning and Sam wasn't there," Ethan asked looking at me.

Then I explained to him, (y/n) was now somewhere with Dan and we don't know what to do. I want to go to Mark, but what will he do? Dan will just hurt (y/n).

"I'm gonna go now...see you guys later" I said and started walking away with my head hanging down. I started to tear up. My tears started rolling into my arms.

I was right out side of (y/n) and I's house, when I heard zombie moans . I grab my machete and run to the group of zombies.

The zombies were piling over something...or someone.

I swipe at the zombies cutting some in half. I kicked them away from the person on the ground. I cut the rest in half.

I look down and the person being surrounded, my eyes widened at the sight of who it was, it was (y/n)! But her nose was bleeding, her cheek was bruised and she was holding her stomach. If Dan hurt her....I swear to god I will kill him.

I put my machete away, and gently picked her up. Her eyes were closed but she was still breathing. I hug her while I jog to our house. I quickly walk up the staircase, and lay her on the bed.

I walk out of our bedroom, and go to a close eat and take my machete out. I cut the door off and carried it downstairs to be the outside door. I put it in the doorway and board it up with the table and chairs.


I woke up in a familiar room. I sit up but my stomach cramps and I lay back down. My face hurt, I felt blood coming out of my nose, and my stomach hurt a lot.

The floorboards creamed as the door opened. "(Y/n)?" Says a familiar voice.

I look over and see Jack. His face was red and puffy from crying, his shirt was soaked.

"Jack?" I asked sitting up, but I lay back down because of my stomach.

Jack walked over and sits down next me. I felt something on my face, Jack was wiping my face with a tissue.

"(Y/n)? Can you hear me?" Jack asked once he was done.

I nod. Then I could feel Jack lift me up, and hug me, gently for once.

"(Y/n), what happened? Why are you all bruised And bleeding?"

"Dan..." I replied, hugging him back.

"Why would he do....." Jack started saying but was cut of by the front door being broken down.

Jack got up and walked towards the door and down the hallway. He came back and picked me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm hiding silent," Jack whispered and walked to another closet. He gently put me down and closed the door.

The floorboards creaked as he walked away. I could hear Jack and somebody talking.

Then I could hear something fall with a big thump. I could hear some footsteps and the door opened. I looked up expecting to see Jack, but I saw Dan.

"Oh, (y/n)...You should've never left..." Dan chuckled and picked me up.

He carried me downstairs and I saw Jack surrounded in a pool of blood. "Jack!" I manage to scream

Dan got scared and dropped me. My back cracked and I could feel a sharp pain in my back. I cut my back open and I was bleeding out. Dan stepped on my stomach, "You wanna know my little secret?"

He stepped harder making me groan. "After we got married, I was gonna end your life, Then I was planning on killing your dear sister Sam," He explained, putting his whole body weight on me.

"What did she do to you?!" I said through clenched teeth.

"It's one of the ways I can make you suffer. I've always loved you but you have never loved me back, now I hate you, and I want to make the rest of your life a living nightmare,"

But then he fell to the ground.

I looked behind him and saw Jack holding a chair. He dropped the chair and fell to his knees next to me, "Oh my gosh! This is all my fault! I left that machete there! I'm so sorry," Jack said picking me up.

"Jack it's's not your fault......." I said.

He carried me upstairs and lay me down, he grabbed a First Aid Kid and wrapped a bandage around my waist and stomach. "I'm still sorry," Jack said as he put the First Aid Kit away.

"There is no need to apologize, Jack, Dan dropped me on it. That was his plan..." I said coughing up blood.

"Dan is just a crazy person that needs to be in a mental hospital," Jack said sitting down on the edge of the bed.

I giggle, "You're right. He is crazy but.....he's killer crazy. Did you hear him?"

"Yep I heard him...We should probably get him out of here before he wakes up.." Jack said scratching the back of his neck.

"Probably should," I replied and sat up, it didn't hurt as much but it a little.

I looked at the doorway and yelped in surprise. Dan was standing in the doorway, holding a gun. Jack stood in front of me, holding nothing. "Come on Darling, we need to head back home," Dan said looking at me.

I shook my head, "I'm not going home with you. I'm staying here,"

Dan suddenly grabs Jack and points the gun at his head. "Your coming with me or this is the last time you see Jackaboy.

I quickly stand up, "Fine....just let him go,"

Dan pushed Jack away and quickly grabbed my throat. He started walking away, dragging me behind him. "(y/n)!" Jack yelled, but Dan pointed the gun at him.

"You follow us and you won't live for another day," Dan warned him.

I looked at Jack while gasping for breath. "J-just g-g-go....Il-i'll b-be f-ine J-jack..." I tried saying.

Jack looked at me, guilt flashing in his eyes. "Fine..." Jack said and backup.

Dan turned around and we walked away

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