Chapter 44

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I sat down next to Jack for the rest of the night. Anti went downstairs to sleep since there was no chairs or couches I think he slept on the ground.

Jack didn't wake up that night and I was getting nervous. Every so often I would check his pulse, just to make sure he was alive or he didn't just die.

I was yawning like crazy, but I wanted to be awake when Jack woke up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned again, I looked over at him and checked his pulse again.

"OK (y/n)...." I yawn. "You need to sleep now...." I yawn again.

I lean my face against my fists and sigh. I close my eyes and yawn once again, "Ok, I'm going to sleep," I say to no one.

I lie on the floor and fall asleep, immediately.


I woke up to something touching my waist, I open my eyes and saw Anti asleep in front of me. His arms were around my waist and he was cuddling me.

I wiggle my way away from him and stand up. Anti? I say in my head. He slowly wakes up and stretches, he looks up at me and smiles.

"Morning beautiful," He says and stands up.

"Thank you?"

I look over at Jack and checked his pulse again, he was still alive. I shook Jack's shoulders, gently. He woke up and looked around, sitting up slowly.

"W-Where am I? Is Dan dead?!" Jack shouted, he shot up and looked at me.

I gently push him back down, "Yes, Dan is dead. We don't have to worry about him now. And you're back home," I said.

"Is Anti gone?"

"Nope, I'm right here," Anti said, turning around to look at us. I look over at him.

"Ok....could you give us privacy?" Jack asked.

Anti sighed and walked out closing the door behind him. I could hear his footsteps farther and farther away. I look back over at Jack, "Privacy?"

"I just wanted to talk," Jack replied.

"Ok....." I sit on my knees. "What about?"

"Did Dan hurt you? Like serious injuries....your more important than I am,"

I sigh, "No I don't, and if I did.....I wouldn't care about me. I would only care about your injury,"

"Don't worry about my injuries...your more important than I am,"

" have a bullet hole in your side. And a bullet in you,"


"You could've died. You're more important than I am at the moment," I said standing up.

"Fine...I won't argue...I just want you to be safe," Jack sighed.

I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. "I know you're trying to protect me. And I respect that, thank you. But you don't have to kill yourself for me,"

Jack sat up and hugged me, "I will protect you with my life if I have to....I'm willing to sacrifice myself for you.....No matter what you say, I always will,"

"Thank you Jack," I said hugging him back.

"Anytime," Jack said and hugged me harder, rubbing my arm.

We pull apart as soon as Anti walks into the room. I get up and walk downstairs to find some food. Apparently Anti followed me, but I didn't realize him.

I put some beans in a pan and started cooking them over a small fire. I made some peanut butter and jellies and put them on the counter. I quickly eat and wait for the beans, I decided to sing. I never sing in front of people, I thought I was alone so I started singing (f/s) by (F/band or artist)

(Insert lyrics to song) (A/n: I....I....Don't judge.....I dunno what songs you guys/girls/non-binary 'friends' like...)

Once I stopped singing. I heard clapping. I look over and see Anti clapping and walking to the room.

"Anti! H-how long were you standing there?" I asked,

"The whole song," Anti said smiling.

"Please don't tell anyone about that....I don't like singing in front of people," I said rubbing my arm.

"Oh, I won't," Anti said walking over to me.

I sighed in relief, "Thank you!"

But then, it happened. Anti quickly wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I couldn't pull back.

Not again....

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