Chapter 22 -- Many Surprises

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JACK'S P.O.V (Finally)

I crouched down next to (y/n).

"(y/n)? Are you ok?!" I ask her worried.

"Y-yeah, I'm fi-" She didn't finish, her eyes closed.

"(y/n)! Stay with me-!" I grabbed her arm, but then I felt a substance on my hand, I looked at my hand. I gasped, it was blood...

I looked at (y/n)'s arm. Her arm looked like it was torn to shreds. I grabbed (y/n) and ran back up the hill. I saw that Mark was following me. I went into the tent and lay her down on a sleeping bag.

"Mark, get the first aid kit!" I yelled at Mark, he came in, crouched next to me and gave me the kit. I opened it looking in it for anything to help.

"Here," Mark said as he handed me two things, stuff that looked like lotion and a bandage. I put the lotion stuff on her arms then wrapped the bandage on her arms. Then around her waist and shoulder.

"Thanks, Mark," I said looking at Mark.

"No problem, I'm gonna let (y/n) sleep," Mark said as he unzipped the tent and left. I bent down and kissed (y/n)'s forehead and said, 

"I love you," 


Me and the guys were eating a late supper, and Marzia was checking on (y/n) every now and then. Marzia came out of the tent and had a sharpie in her hand.

"Hey, Marzia, why do you have a sharpie?" I asked her as she came towards me. 

"I was doodling on (y/n)'s bandages," She said smiling 

"Can I use it?" I asked her getting up.

"Sure, by the way (y/n) is fine," Marzia said looking at me.

"Thank you," I said unzipping the tent, I looked inside, she was still passed out. I crouched down next to her, I wrote something on her left arm and wrote the way that she can see it. I kissed her on her cheek and was about to leave until Mark came in.

"Jack, everyone is going to sleep and I'm on night watch, Ok," Mark said looking at me.

"OK," I said looking at (y/n).

"How is she?" Mark said, I looked at him, he was looking at (Y/n).

"Good," I said looking at the ground.

"Jack," I looked at him, he crouched down and put a hand on my shoulder. "She is the strongest girl I know and she'll make it," I shed a tear, Mark hugged me for a minute and let go.

"It's going to be Ok," Mark said still had a hand on my shoulder.

"I know," I said wiping my tears away.

"Well I'm going, good night," He said leaving.

"Goodnight," I got into my sleeping bag and faced (y/n). She was facing the sky, I kissed her on the cheek and slowly drifted into sleep.


I woke up in complete darkness, nothing.

I look around. "Hello?" I ask it echo's through out the darkness.

"Hello (y/n)" a voice said behind me.

I turn around and Grace was standing there. "Grace?" I asked.

"(Y/n).... I trusted you..." She cried. "You promised me... that I would be fine! But you lied!"

"No! Grace please cry! I didn't mean to! I tried to save you! I tried my best I'm sorry you died! It should've been me!" I shouted it echoed through out the darkness.

"Nothing but lies,"  She dropped to her knees "Lies..." She whispered.

I ran up to her and tried to hug her, but I slide right through her.

Grace disappeared. "Grace!" I called out "Grace!"

Suddenly some ear pricing scream echoed, I covered my ears and fall to my knees. "I'm sorry!" I cried out.

Tears start streaming from my eyes as I fell to my side. I curled into a ball and cried.

I jolted up, the back down as a shock wave of pain went through my body, I looked at my fore arms so I can move my arms. I had some bandages around my waist and shoulder,  I guess they really do care for me. I opened the tent, it was still dark out. I walked around and saw Jack sitting on the side of the fire.

He didn't hear me coming, I guess because I walked over and sat down beside him.

"Jack?" I asked as I hit his shoulder.

But he didn't move. "Jack?" I asked standing in front of him. That's when I realized that he was asleep.

I shook his shoulders. "Jack?" I asked as I shook him again.

Jack jumped as he woke up. "(y/n)?.... Am.... Am I dreaming?" He yawns, rubbing his eyes.

I shook my head. I swear his eye lit up from pure excitement or happiness. (y/n)!" Jack pulled me into a tight hug, it hurt a little bit on my arms and shoulder but I really didn't care. Wait, that's how I passed out last time, I guess I really should care.

"Uhh.. Jack a little um... less tight please?" I asked.

"Oops sorry," He said as he let go of me.

I rubbed my temples, "How long was I out?" I asked.

Jack picked me up and put me in his lap. "You were out for 3 days, I was so worried."

I wrapped my arms around Jack's neck and buried my face into his chest. "I'm sorry," I said.

Jack put his arms around me and held me close.

"Don't apologize," I looked at him, he still had that pure happiness look in his eyes. Jack looked at me.

"Even when you've been beaten up, you still look beautiful," Jack said as he moved a piece of hair out of my face and put it behind my ear. I kissed him on the lips and we started kissing. Jack stopped.

"Follow me," Jack said as both of us stood up, Jack held out a hand, and I grabbed it. Jack walked me to the side of the hill and stopped. Jack looked up and so did I. They sky looked beautiful, there were stars stamped into the night, you can also see galaxies that were far away.

"Wanna lie down?" Jack asked, looking at me.

"Sure," I said smiling, I sat down trying not to use my arms. I lay down on my back, and had my hands on the back of my head, and so did Jack. I looked at the sky, it was amazing.

"Beautiful isn't it," I said looking at Jack, he looked at me.

"Yeah, but nothing can be more beautiful than you,"

"Awwwhhh, stop it," I said hitting Jack gently. We both laughed, we stared at the sky a little while longer, then Jack broke the silence.

"(y/n)," Jack said looking at me.

"Yeah," I said looking at Jack. I believe I saw worry in his eyes.

"I've been waiting to tell you something a long time ago," What did Jack want to tell me?

"What it is, is... I love you, (y/n)," I was surprised, I knew he loves me, but something is up with him.

"I love you too," I said smiling. Jack's eyes lit up, he reached over to me and hugged me, "There's something else I wanna...." He sighed, "...Never mind..." We sat in silence for a while.

"I can't believe, a guy like you would love a girl like me," I said as Jack let go, Jack put a hand on my cheek.

"You're the right one for me," Jack said as he leaned in to kiss me. We kissed then, we realized the sun was coming up. We stopped kissing and looked at each other.

"Wanna wake the boys up?" I asked Jack, smiling.

"Heck yeah!" Jack beamed as we got up, I laughed. Jack grabbed my hand and walked up the hill.

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