Chapter 39

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Mark, Jack and I walk inside of the house, everybody was looking chill.

Amy was sitting on the couch staring off into space, Tyler and Ethan were arm wrestling in the kitchen. Dan was sitting next to Signe on the ground, they both gave Jack and I a death glare. Bob was sitting next to Felix and Marzia, they were talking quietly.

My guess was that Sam was upstairs. I walk up the stairs and knock on her door, she opens it and pulls me in. The light is off so I can't see.

"Sam! What's wrong?" I asked turning on the light. She immediately turned it off.

I saw a flash on her face, her eyes were red and puffy. Her face was a shade of red and she had her hood up. "Sam?"

"ETHANASKEDMEOUT!" She said, her voice cracking.

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Little slower!" I said.

"Ethan asked me out on a date!" She said slowly.

"He did?" I asked.

"Yes!" She said.

"Why do you look upset? Why aren't you happy?" I asked.

"I don't want a boyfriend! I never want one!" She said as she broke down crying, She fell to her knees. I quickly dropped to my knees to hug her.

"Sam, you're 22 years old, you have to go through this. Did you answer him?" I asked.

"I don't know why but my heart told me Yes and that's why I said," She sniffed.

"It'll be ok, I remember my first date. It was awkward at first but then it grew into a relationship. I can help you if you'd like me too," I said rubbing her arm.

"I'd like that," She whispered.

"When is it?"


"How about we practice? This is still your first date," I said.


We got up, and I turned the light on. Then I heard a knock on the door "(y/n)?" It was Jack.

"Yeah?" I asked opening the door.

"Is everything okay in there?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're fine,"

"But I heard crying coming from here," He asked worriedly.

I step outside and close the door behind me. "Relationship problems with Sam..."

"But she's not in a relationship with anyone," He replied.

"Ethan asked her out, and she said yeah. Now I have to help her get ready and prepared," I said.

"I can ask Marzia and Amy to help you," He replied.

"I would like that, please and thank you," I said.

He pecked me on the cheek and walked downstairs, I walked back inside the room. She looked up at me.

"Ok, Marzia and Amy are gonna come help you, they have been on multiple dates and they know what to do," I said.

Sam nodded as the door pressed open, Marzia and Amy came in. " Ok, so Sam this is your first date?" Marzia asked.

"It it.....please help," she said.

"We will, lets take turns. I will pick out her outfit, Marzia can help practice with her and (y/n) can help Marzia can set up the date," Amy explained.

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