Chapter 30 ~~ More Friends?

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I woke up to someone shaking me, I opened my eyes, I saw Jack's face looking at me.

"What Jack," I said yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"We need your help," He said as I looked behind him, I saw light shining in the distance. I got up and grabbed my machete, I followed Jack as I saw a fork in the cave, and Ethan was looking in one way and Mark was looking in the other one.

"Hi guys," I said to Ethan and Mark.

"Hi," Both of them said, I looked at the fork as I was deciding which way to go.

"How about this, me and Ethan we'll go to the left, you and Jack can go to the right," Mark said walking over to Ethan, I nodded and started walking with Jack by my side.

As we were walking Jack had lit a torch and was walking with me, we heard a groaning noise. I got my machete ready to swing, a zombie came crawling our way, I swung and hit the zombie in the head. I looked at Jack, he looked at me. I swear I saw amazement in his eyes.

"Did you get practice lessons or something?" Jack asked, amazed.

"Uh, I got practice from the apocalypse," 

"You're so cute," Jack said and started walking again.

"So are you," I said putting my elbow on his shoulder.

"No you ar- .... crap," Jack said looking in front of him.

"What?" I looked at where Jack was looking, there was a human crushed by rocks, I gasped and slowly walked forward, Jack grabbed my hand and I held it tightly. Then I saw something in the corner of my eye. I elbowed Jack gently.

"Shine your torch over there," I say as Jack shone his torch, there was a ton of bread, an axe, first aid kit, a backpack and dog food. Dog food? Why would there be dog food?

I walked closer and picked up all the supplies, even the dog food. As we were about to go we heard a whine, me and Jack looked at each other, I started walking towards the sound with Jack behind me.

As I got closer I saw blood and then a paw, like a dog paw. I got closer, there was a dog whining and had its leg underneath the rock, it had no collar and the dog looks like it has been crying. I kneeled down next to the dog, I put the supplies next to me and reach my hand out. She starts to growl softly.

"Shh, it's going to be ok," I whispered to the god and petted it, Jack kneels next to me and does the same.

"It's gorgeous," Jack said smiling.

"How long do you think she's been here?" I asked as it licked my hand.

"Well not long because it wouldn't have survived. She can't reach the food," Jack said.

I nod and carefully pick the rock up, with Jack's help. The dog whimpers and tries to get up, but falls down and whines. I started to pet her head, and she licks my hand.

"Jack, do you think you can pick her up?" I look over at him.

"Yeah," Jack replies. He hands me the torch and carefully picks her up. Once he had her we both stood up, I put the dog food, bread, First Aid Kit in the bag, I put the bag on my back. I hold the axe in one hand and the torch in the other.

We walk back to the group to see Marzia and Felix awake making food, Sam was awake just staring into space.

Jack walked over to Sven and gently put the dog down next to him. Marzia looked up and saw the dog, she gasped. "Where did you find that dog??" She asked running over and petting it.

I looked at her. "We just found her," I replied.

"She's beautiful!" Marzia said petting her head.

"What are you guys gonna name her?" Felix asked.

"Chica?" Jack asked.

"I love that name," Marzia agreed.

"Chica it is," I said.

Once everyone walked away, I put the torch in a crack on the ground and I pulled out my First Aid Kit and wrapped bandages around her. Chica didn't whine or bark at me. She just sat there watching.

I put the First Aid Kit back into my bag and sat down beside Chica, I was resting against a sleeping Sven. I had my legs flat on the ground, so Chica put her head on my lap. I started stroking her head lightly, she enjoyed it because when I stopped she pawed me.

Jack came walking over and sat down beside me. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Shouldn't  Mark and Ethan be back by now?" I asked quietly.

"They're not back yet?" Jack gasped.

I took my head off his shoulder. "Did you not notice?" I asked as I got up. Jack got up beside me.

"Should we go after them?" He asked.

"Probably should," I replied grabbing the torch.

"Let's go," Jack said running ahead.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Marzia called out.

"To find Mark and Ethan!" I called back and followed Jack.

We walked around the dark cave, almost running into walls until I heard Mark. "Help!" He called out.

Jack and I looked at each other and took off running, luckily we didn't hear any zombies. Up ahead I saw Mark's torch, I heard Ethan yelling too. "Help us!" 

"Guys, we're coming!" Jack yelled, it echoed through the cave.

We ran into a large room but there was a long stone bridge. "Be careful the bridge is about to collapse. It's barely holding us." Mark warned.

"I think  (y/n) should go... She is lighter," Ethan said, his legs dangling off the edge.

"Yeah, chubby," I said patting Jack's stomach/

Jack lifted his shirt and looked at me. "I'm glad it's dark, I can barely see you," I said, handing the torch to Jack.

I took a step, and another until I reached Ethan, I helped him up and he carefully walked back to Jack. I reached Mark, I helped him up and he started walking back slowly.

Suddenly I hear a low rumbling. Markm not being smart, ran acorss the bridge, making it collapse. It started falling, I took off running and jumped.

WORD COUNT ~~ 1028

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