Chapter 25 ~~ Another Attack

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"Will you marry me?" Jack asked looking up at me, holding a ring in his hand.

Tears were slowly rolling down my cheeks. "Yes!" I say/shout nodding.

Jack got up and put the ring on my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel something wet on my shoulder, I could tell it was Jack. But I was crying.

I could hear clapping behind us. We pull apart and see Mark, Felix, Ethan, Wade and Marzia clapping.

"Congratulations!" Marzia called out.

"You did it, Jack!" Mark called out.

"This calls for a party!" Jack yelled.

Everybody cheered. Jack picked me up and spun me around, I smiled and looked at Jack, in his eyes was happiness and excitement. He smiled and put me down.

Everybody started running back to camp, so me and Jack grabbed the food and raced behind them. I was in track for a while during the senior year so I was ahead of everyone.

"(y/n)! Slow down!" I could hear Mark call.

I slow down for the slowpokes, only to be picked up by Jack. I yelped in surprise.

"Geez, Jack! You scared me!" I said laughing.

"That's the point," Jack replied laughing 

We made it to the camp and Jack had finally let me go. Everybody stopped and went to their bags to get some water. I pulled some jelly beans out of the basket and put them in my mouth.

I looked over and see Jack eyeballing the jelly beans. He looks up at me, I sigh and grab one. "Throw it into my mouth," Jack says opening his mouth. "Ok..." I reply as I throw it and it lands in his mouth.

He throws his hands in the air. "Yes! Good throw," Jack says.

"Thank you," I reply eating another small handful of jelly beans.

"Thank you," I reply, eating another small handful of jelly beans.

"Hey, I thought you were allergic to beans?" Jack said taking the bag out of my hands.

"Beans as in Green beans, roasted beans. Not jelly beans," I replied reaching for them. He put the, over my head, since I was shorter than him.

"Seriously? Using my shortness against me?" I said looking up at Jack.

He nodded. "Ugh.... fine have them," I said walking away.

I looked back and saw him eating them, happily. I ran over and jump on his back, reaching for the jelly beans. Jack put them out farther laughing at me as I struggle.

I unwrap my legs from his waist and grab the jelly beans and jumping off him. "Thanks," I said as I took off running to the tent.

Jack followed behind me. "Give me those!" Jack laughed.

"No!" I said as I unzipped the tent and tried to get in. But Jack was already there, he grabbed my waist and pulled me out of the tent.

Mark, Marzia, and Felix were laughing as they watched us.

"Marzia!" I said as I threw the jelly beans to her. She caught them and took off running. Jack let go and took off after Marzia along with Felix. Mark stayed back and watched, "You're on our team right?" I asked. Mark nodded.

"(y/n)!" Marzia yelled. I looked over Felix was over trying to get the beans, Jack was on top of Felix. She threw the bag and I caught them.

Felix kept his arms around Marzia. Jack was running up to me, I ducked when he tried to jump at me. "Ha!" I said as he got up. "Not Fair!" Jack yelled and ran at me. "Mark!" I shouted throwing him the bag.

Jack dive bombed me to the ground, Mark had missed the jelly beans and they exploded all over the ground. "Oops..." 

Jack and I got up and Jack ran over and slid to his knees. Jack ran over and slid to his knees in front of Mark. "How could you!" Jack said, 'crying'.

"I'm sorry, forgive me!" Mark said as he dropped down and hugged Jack.

Felix and Marzia walked over and looked down. Jack and Mark were hugging on their knees. Jack was pretending to cry.

That's when we heard a scream, we all recognized it.

Once it ended we heard footsteps and groans. "Zombies!" I heard Ethan yell. Mark and Jack got up and looked at Ethan. "Everybody get your things! They found us again!" Mark ordered.

I ran to the tent and went inside, I picked up my sleeping bags and other bags. Jack dive bombed in and collected his stuff he took off his glasses and put it in his bag. I grabbed my cross bow and put the arrows on my back. We ran out and met up with Mark by the fence.

Felix, Marzia and Ethan ran over to us. "Everybody climb the fence!" Mark ordered. The zombies broke down the gate and got in. Mark pulled out a shot gun and shot the zombies.

I was first to get to the top, with Jack next to me. I sat on the edge ready to jump, but more zombies were on the outside of the camp.

By now everybody was on the top, except Mark. Me and Jack looked down and Mark was being piled underneath zombies. "Mark!" Jack yelled as he pulled out two pistols and shot at the horde.

I flip to the side and jump down to Mark. "(Y/n)!" Jack and Marzia yelled.

I pull out my machete and cut the zombies on Mark and all the others around. I help Mark up, "Thanks," He said shooting the zombies. "I'm not done yet," I say shooting a zombie in the head with my cross bow. I quickly pull the arrow out and start to climb.

Mark jumped up and started climbing the fence, but a zombie bit him in the shoe. Luckily not breaking the skin. We reach the top and look around, the zombies couldn't climb but they were everywhere. I look around getting an idea.

"Climb the trees!" I yell over the moans and jump to an over hanging tree branch. I pull myself up and get to the trunk.

Marzia gets ready and jumps, she gets up and hugs the trunk with me. Mark jumps and makes it, he jumps up to the branch above me and Marzia. Felix jumps and barely makes it, he grabs the branch and pulls himself up, he goes over and hugs Marzia.

Jack jumps and misses the branch. "Jack!" I scream as I reach out my hand. He reaches for my hand and catches it, but makes me fall out of the tree.

We both scream as we fall. Before we hit the bottom, Jack quickly wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. I curl into a ball in his arms.

As we hit the ground and the roots, we roll over into the crowd of zombies. Jack protectively lies over the top of me, kinda squashing me but he was protecting me.

The zombies pile on top of us, making it really hard for me to breathe.

Jack looked down at me. "(y/n)... if..." He grunts from all the weight on him. "I-if we don't make it... I want you to know," He grunts again "that I will always love you," he said through grunts.

"Please Jack, don't act like this! Please have faith!" I said holding back the tears.

He holds me tighter. "I'll try," He whispers.

"I'll try," 

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