Chapter 5

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I heard (Y/N) shout my name, so I grabbed my shotgun and ran to where I last heard her. I couldn't see (Y/N) anywhere. It was just light enough to see, I looked around until, I saw it, a person dragging her body.

"Hey! Stop!" I yelled.

 I raced through the gate and after the guy. He saw me coming and picked (Y/N) up, then took off running. He was faster than me but he had (Y/N) I had to continue.

He started slowing down, I took my chance and tackled his legs. He tripped and dropped (Y/N), I jumped up and pulled her away from him. He started getting up, but I already had my shotgun pointed at him.

"Give me the girl!" He growled
"No. Why do you want her?" I asked, gripping the shotgun harder.
"None of your business. Now give me her!" He shouted taking a step towards her.

I had my finger on the trigger. "One more move and I'll pull this trigger," I warned him. My fingers were shaking, I didn't want to kill this guy, but if he was gonna hurt (Y/N), he has to go through me.

He chuckled. "You don't have the guts to pull it. Give me the girl! I'm not gonna repeat myself again." He said.

I was shaking uncontrollably, I didn't realize I had pulled the trigger until the bullets burst through him and onto the ground, behind him. He fell backwards and never got up. I lowered my gun and had my hand over my mouth. "Oops.." I mumbled.

I put the gun in the strap around my neck, I picked up (Y/N) and started heading back to camp. She wasn't awake to see me shoot that guy, I'm kinda glad she wasn't. I didn't want to kill him but in order to save (Y/N), it left me no choice.

I walked back very quickly, it was dark out and zombies could be anywhere. When I walked into the camp, I closed the gate behind me with my foot. Mark was outside behind the fire, waiting for us. When he heard me close the door he looked up. 

"There you guys are!" Mark said walking over to me. "Why are you carrying a sleeping (Y/N)?"
"She isn't sleeping. She's -" Mark cut me off.
"SHE'S DEAD?!?!" He shouted.
"No! She's unconscious. Some guy took off with her, but I followed him. I ended up killing him in the end though. By accident!" I explained.
Mark looked down at her. "Looks like he suffocated her and she passed out. She'll wake up in a couple of hours." Mark said.
"I'll go put her in bed," I said walking to RV, "Hey, do you mind being on Nightshift?" I asked Mark.
"OK, we'll switch in an hour and a half?" He asks, "Sounds good." I replied walking to the RV. I gently put her in my bed, I put the blanket over her and sat down in a chair. I grabbed some cookies that (Y/N) baked earlier and ate a few. 


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I quickly sat up, breathing heavily. I looked around, realizing that I Mark's RV. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I jumped turning around realizing it was only Jack.

"Calm down lass. It's only me." He said, taking his hand off my shoulder.
"Sorry, you scared me. That's all." I replied, laying back down. "What happened?" I asked, putting my hand on my forehead. He crouched down next to my bed.

"You shouted my name, I ran over to see what the problem was. When I saw you being dragged away by this guy, I grabbed my shotgun and took off after him. I tackled him and pointed my gun at him. He demanded me to give you to him, but I didn't. He ended up dying in the end, but it saved you. I carried you back here and waited a few hours for you to wake up." Jack explained. looking away with a slight blush.

"Why did you save me?" I asked looking at him.
Jack sighed, "I'll tell you later." He got up and turned to the door. I reached out and grabbed his wrist, he turned and looked at me.
"I feel safer when you're closer. This might sound weird, but can you sleep with me?" I asked looking up at me. I know I still hated him for what he did all those years ago, but I wasn't thinking for a moment.

Jack smiled "Sure,"

He sat down next to me and covered us both with a blanket. He put an arm around me, as I rested my head on his chest.

"Thank you. For everything you've done." I said
"Anything for you. You're welcome (Y/N)" Jack said

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. And I swore he kissed my forehead before I went to sleep.

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