Chapter 46

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(y/n) walked downstairs, I could hear her footsteps echo throughout the house. I looked at the ceiling and played with my fingers, bored out of my mind.

I was still deciding when (y/n) and I should get married. It has to be sometime soon of course. I don't want what happened with Dan to happen to (y/n) again.

But then I heard something....something beautiful.

I sit up and I could hear singing. (y/n) Was singing (f/s).

She sang softly, I got up and used the doorway to hold myself up. My side still hurt, I put my hand there as I walked down the hallway and down the stairs slowly.

I carefully made my way to the kitchen, where she was singing. She was dancing around as she sang. I leaned against the door frame and watched, I was amazed at how good she sounded. I smiled.

(y/n) finished singing by the time the beans were cooked. She didn't even notice I was there, I stood there for a little bit.

"Wow...(y/n)...I didn't know you had a beautiful voice," I said and stood straight.

She whipped around, with a surprised expression on her face. "Y-you heard me?" She asked eyes widened and blushing.

"Was I not suppose to?" I asked and took a small step back.

"No, well..." She tried saying but sighed. "I...normally don't sing in front of are the first 'person' that has heard me.

"What do you mean 'person'?" I asked

"Anti, before he kissed me....." She said and rubbed her elbow.

"Oh...I just heard you from upstairs so I walked downstairs to see you sing," I said smiling.

"Well...You really shouldn't be up and walking because of your side. The bullet is still inside of you and most likely gonna be there for the rest of your life," she said.

She picked up the beans and poured them into a cracked dish and put a spoon into it and handed it to me.

"Thanks," I said and started to walk away.

While walking I almost dropped my dish, because I was only holding it with one hand. My side hurt so I was still holding it while walking.

(y/n) ran over and put her arm around me to help, I put my arm around her shoulder. "Thanks," I said smiling.

"No problem," She replied back smiling,

We walked upstairs, slowly and carefully. We walked down the hallway and into the bedroom. I walked over and sat down on the bed, she walked out.



You'd think it would be Mark.

But it was Sam. She was actually warming up to all of us. She started hanging out with everyone else, but she was still cautious around them.

Sam engulfed both of us in a hug, which was surprising. It was actually bone crushing...I think my spine popped. She finally let go, then everyone else hugged us.

"So, where were you guys," Mark asked, crossing his arms.

"And where did Signe and Dan go?" Marzia asked.

Ethan then walking into the room eating a sandwich.

"Ethan! You didn't tell them?" I ask him.

He looked up at us. "I thought you guys would want to tell them..."

"I guess we should," (y/n) looked at me and I nodded.

Then (y/n) and I took turns telling them all about what happened. Everyone's eyes were widened. Sam even looked like she was gonna kill something. Ethan looked over and saw her, he walked to her and rubbed her back. She looked like she was calmed down.

Once we were done we all decided to sit in Mark's living room. I sat down on the couch, next to the arm of it. (y/n) sat next to me, or should I say leaned against me, I had my arm around her.

Ethan sat next to Sam, who was sitting next to (y/n). Mark and Amy say together in a chair, Felix and Marzia sat on the other couch with Bob and Tyler.

"Soooo...Guys wanna play a game?" Sam suggested.

"Truth or Dare!" (y/n) shouted sitting up, which, I have to admit, scared me a little bit.

"Oh...My...Gosh! Yes!" Amy shouted, jumping up.

"I wanna go first! Bob, Truth or Dare?" Felix yelled.

"Uhh...Truth," Bob replied.

"Baby..." Felix muttered and Bob punched his leg, playfully. "Is it true....that Mark!"

"What!? No," Bob said.

Mark put his hand on his chest and gasped. Everyone started quickly laughing, including me.

"Ethan, Truth or dare?" Bob asked, ignoring Marl.

"Dare! I'm no baby!" Ethan yelled clapping his hands.

"I dare you to lick the wall," Bob said.

"Pfft, that's easy!" Ethan said and jumped up, he walked over to the wall and licked it. "Ugh...tastes like mildew!" He said wiping his tongue.

"I don't even want to know, how you know what mildew taste like," (y/n) said, earning a laugh from everyone.

Ethan sat back down, "Jack, Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" I replied.

"I dare lick....the street," Ethan said.

"What is it with the licking innominate objects today?" I asked and stood up, everybody followed me outside. I sat down on the street, "This better not taste bad....." I muttered and licked it.

"Does it taste bad?" Ethan yelled.

"Nope!" Then the taste was on my tongue, it tastes like tires and pavement. "Oh....god! It's horrible," I yelled wiping my tongue.

"No kisses from me," (y/n) said and walked back inside.

I got up and walked back inside, everyone sat down and I sat down next to (y/n) "Mark, Truth or Dare?"

"Uhh....umm.....Truth!" Mark stuttered.

"Baby...Umm is it true ship...(#EthanAndSamsShipName)?" I asked out of the blue.

"Yes!" Mark said.

I looked over at Sam and Ethan, Sam elbowed him. He looked at her and gave her a look. He then looked back at us, "Well we didn't tell anyone but we are an official couple," Ethan said.

(y/n) gasped, "Well done!"

"Congrats, but let's get back to the game? And can you guys pick girls?" Amy asked.

"Sam, truth or dare?" Mark asked.

"Dare!" She shouted.

"I dare you and Ethan to kiss!"

"Ok," She shrugged.

Sam looked at him and they leaned in. I guess (y/n) couldn't wait because she pushed Sam into Ethan. Their lips quickly met and everyone cheered.

Sam's first kiss. I remember my first kiss with (y/n), years and years ago.

It was a good feeling.

I bet Sam and Ethan felt that.

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