Chapter 38

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I walked towards the house, but instead, I walked past it and down the sidewalk.

What does he mean by 'Don't go to sleep?'. What does he plan to do? How can I get out of this nightmare? I asked myself, even though I don't have answers.

I walk down the street and onto another street. I was kind of scared of what Dan could do. How can someone even survive a zombie attack? Especially with those scars...

"(y/n)!" I heard a distant voice.

Jack was running around somewhere behind but he didn't see me. I continued walking, ignoring him, I needed some peace and quiet for a little bit.

I turned down another street, Jack's shouts getting quieter and quieter. I found a small meadow and sat down in the grass. I take off my crossbow, bag and quiver and put my head in my hands.

How do I get rid of Dan and Signe? Why can't they just leave me and Jack alone? We're going to get married and nothing will change that, they cant change our future together. Why can't Signe get over Jack? And why can't Dan get over me? Why does life have to be so difficult? Why do I still ask myself these questions? I don't know the answer!

I was too deep in thought that I didn't realize Jack was standing behind me. "(y/n)?"

He put his hands on my shoulder and I look back at him. "Are you ok? You just took off talking to Dan. What did he say to you?" Jack asked as he sat down beside me.

I sighed. "I'm ok..just a bit confused..."

"About what?"

"About Dan...."

He scoots next to me and hugs me. "Don't worry about Dan or Signe. Once we get married they won't bother us anymore. And I'll make sure of it," He never gives up on anything.

I smile. "There's that cute smile," Jack said also smiling.

"Thank you for your positive attitude, Jack, I kinda need that,"

"Anytime. If it makes you happy, I'll do it all day," He smiles.

I close my eyes and smile, I was still kind of tired from last night. I rest my head against his head against his chest and we sit there.

"What did Dan say to you?" Jack asked.

"He basically explained how he survived the zombie attack. And that he followed us and his he was the one that pushed Mark and Ethan off in that cave. And he also told me he also told me not to go to sleep tonight...I'm kinda scared because how can somebody survive a zombie attack? Those marks would have killed him by now," I explained as my smile vanished.

"Well, you don't have to worry about him, I'll protect ya," Jack said as he kissed the top of my head.

My smile returns. "Thank you, Jack,"

"No problem, if it makes you feel better we could stay at a different house than everybody else,"

"I'd like that," I replied.

"We should probably be heading back the group, they probably think we left them," I said after a while.

"You're right let's go," Jack said.

I broke free from out hug and put my quiver and crossbow on my back and my bag over my shoulder. Jack got up and helped me up. We started walking away, but something caught my eyes. I stopped and stared.

"(y/n)? Are you coming?" Jack asked, walking towards me.

"Hold on, do you see that over there?" I ask.

"See what?"

"That," I point at what I see.

Jack looks and see's it. "What is it?" He asked.

"I don't know...let's go find out!" I said and I took off running to the far side of the meadow. I could hear Jack running beside me, when we got closer I still couldn't make it out.

We got closer and I could make it out, it looked like a wedding chapel. We make it into the front of it and stop. "Looks like someone was trying to get married.." Jack started saying/

"But then the Apocalypse broke out..." I finish for him.

I start to walk across the stone platform and look over the edge, there was a small pond underneath, with purple and pink flowers, and in the water was twinkling lights.

Jack walks up next to me and looks over the edge. "Whoever did this had a thoughtful heart,"

I nodded. I waked up the hill and into the chapel, the vines were beautiful, the red flowers were so pretty. The lights, somehow, still work and lit the plave up.

"Now I feel bad..." I said.

"Why?" Jack asked walking up beside me.

"The bride must have been so excited for her wedding, but then this nightmare ruined she might be dead," I replied.

Jack holds my hand, "I feel bad for them too...but that won't happen to us. I'll make sure of it," He smiled.

I smiled as we stood there in the chaple, hand in hand.

"You know, we could have our wedding here, it's perfect. And if you think about it, if someone was going to get married, their wedding dress and tux is somewhere in this town. Now we can officially become a married couple," Jack explained.

"What about the preacher? Or the flower girl?" I asked.

"Mark could be the preacher and Sam could be the flower girl," Jack replied.

He smiles at me, I smile back and look down. "That sounds like a date,"

Jack lifts my head with his hand and kisses me. We kissed for some time, until we head a cough behind us. We pulled apart and turned around.

"Oh, hey Mark," Jack said.

"Why weren't you guys at the house?" He asked.

"About that...uhm....we are gonna stay at a different house from everyone else," I replied.

"Why?" Mark asked.

"Dan threatened (y/n) so it seems safe if we stay at a different house," Jack said.

"Ok, but let's head back. Sam wants to talk to (y/n)," Mark said.

"Okay," I said.

Mark, Jack and I start walking through the meadow, it was still daylight. By the sun it looked like it was 2 un the afternoon. We walk back into the street and to the house.

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