Chapter 34 ~~ Exploring!

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

Mark and Tim lead us all down the mountain and into the field. From far away, I didn't see any zombies. Heck! It looked like this town wasn't even touched by zombies.

Jack still had his arms around my waist and had his head resting on my shoulder. I had my hands around the root of Sven's antlers, Chica was limping next to us.

Chica's leg was healing but she still couldn't walk on it. Sam still couldn't walk and neither could Jack.

The field was a good mile long, well at least three fourths of a mile. Good thing there was no zombies around. We continued to walk but then Chica fell down and whined softly.

I stopped Sven and the others kept going. Jack let go of my waist and jumped off, I jumped off and stood next to him. I crouched down next to Chica, Jack crouched next to me.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"I don't know," I replied petting her head.

I pet down her back and side, and she started whining. Jack started petting her leg and chest and she didn't whine.

"She's hurt somewhere on the side, and she started whining. Jack started petting her leg and chest and she didn't whine.

"She's hurt somewhere on the side," I said.

"Ok," Jack said rubbing along her side, she started whining and Jack stopped. But then did it again.

"Wait there is something... bumpy in her skin..." Jack said picking through her fur.

Then something caught my eye. "Wait!" I said.

Jack stopped and looked at me. "What?"

I picked through her skin and found a tick burrowed in her skin. I picked through her fur and found more ticks.

"Jack, do you have a pocket knife?" I ask, looking over at him.

He checked his pocket and bags. "Nope...but...." He grabbed my quiver and pulled out an arrow. "Wh have arrows,"

I smile and take the arrow. "Hold her down," 

Jack crawled to the other side on Chica and put his hands on her shoulder and hip.

(A/n: I'm not gonna go into details because it's just so gross. So use your imagination to imagine them getting the ticks out, you can search it up if you want but I don't recommend it. I know I could of time skipped but I didn't want you guys getting mad at me so I'm gonna tell the truth :) ) 

I put my arrow back and Jack picks Chica up. "You get up and I'm gonna hand Chica to you then I'll get on," Jack said.

"Ok," I say. I get on Sven and Jack hands me, Chica. I take her in my arms and Jack gets on. "Where is everybody?" I asked looking around.

"They went ahead," Jack replied pointing in front of us. At the end of the field, everyone was walking away.

"Well, we should probably get going then," I said.

"Going fast are we?" Jack said.

"As fast as Sven can go," I replied, smiling.

"I like fast!" Jack said clapping.

"Hang on,"

Jack put his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder as I kicked Sven in the hip. Sven took off and Jack tightened his grip on me. I hold onto Sven's antlers and Jack holds on to Chica, but pressing her up to me so she wouldn't fall.

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