Chapter 11

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November 17th 2015

I was playing with my older sister in the living room. We were playing Cluedo.

"I think it's Mrs.Peackock, the Knife and in the Ballroom!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"If you listened to me, in the beginning, you would know!" (Y/N) said, holding back a laugh.

"Can you explain it again?" I asked.

"Ok, You have to try and guess who the murderer is by Clues you get. Then-" She said but I was lifted off the ground. I squealed as my dad lifted me into the air. I could hear (Y/N) laughing in the back.

"Dad!" I squealed. "Hello, sweetheart!" He replied smiling.

He walked into the kitchen, where my mom had a (F/C) cake on the table and had 'Happy Birthday' banners hanging up. (Y/N) came walking into the kitchen behind my Mom, they were about the same height, (Y/N) was only 19.

My dad put me down and I sat down in a chair. Then my mom, my dad and (Y/N) started singing happy birthday to me.

"Happy birthday to you!"
"Happy birthday to you!"
"Happy birthday dear Grace, Happy Birthday to you!"

I squealed in delight as (Y/N) shouted: "Make a wish!". I thought about getting my very own unicorn. Then I blew out the candles. Everybody cheered and we had cake and had fun! I never wanted it to end!


April 27th, 2017

(Y/N) had moved out last month, she wanted to explore the world and have an adventure! I wanted to go with her but my mom and dad said I couldn't.

My mom and I were making cookies while dad was at work. We wanted them to be double chocolate chip! Those are my favourite!

I was walking to the oven when I heard something outside. I looked out the window and I saw a creature that looked scary, it had a missing eyeball, green skin and blood in his broken jaw.

"Mommy! There is something at the door!" I shouted as I backed up from the door. My mom walked in, "What?" She asked and then she saw the creature and screamed. She picked me up and ran upstairs, she put me in my room and told me to stay quiet.

My mom went back downstairs, I stayed up in my room. I looked out the window and saw my dad's car pull in with other creatures behind him. I watched as my father was dragged out of the car and into the woods. Something was following behind him, it looked red.

Then I saw my mom being dragged away, with the same stuff behind her. I started crying thinking my whole life was done with. I thought I wasn't gonna make it, and I would never see my parents again.

I heard nothing for the rest of the night, I was afraid of falling asleep I didn't want to be dragged away too. But after that I was tired, I fell asleep and woke up very hungry. I slowly crept downstairs, nothing seemed to be here. I go into the kitchen and get some bread, I check the fridge. Nothing was inside, I gathered the bread and went back upstairs.

For months and months, I was alone and scared I cried every day. I wanted to be with my family, having fun like we used to. But after that day of watching my parents die in front of me, I never felt.. Safe.


I was woken up by someone touching my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. That's when I realized that I had been crying.

Something touched my shoulder again, I jumped and looked over. I could barely see the figure.

"Hey, Grace. Are you Ok?" I could hear the familiar, Irish, voice of Jack say. I believe he was Irish, or that's what (Y/N) said.
"No," I whispered shaking my head and covering my eyes with my hands. I started crying quietly, I remembered that day like it was yesterday.

I felt Jack lift me off the bed and onto his lap, he hugged me tightly. I cried on his shoulder, he rubbed my back and started rocking me back and forth like (Y/N) did earlier.

I knew I was safe here but why didn't I feel safe? (Y/N) was here to protect me, everybody here is gonna protect me. At least a hope they will. I had my older sister to protect me, for some reason... I didn't feel protected.

"Grace what happened? Why are you crying?" Jack asked, still rubbing my back.

And I told him about the nightmare I had and about my family. I even told him about my Birthday party 2 years ago and how the zombies came out of nowhere and killed my parents. By the end of it, I was crying again. I'm surprised nobody else woke up.

Jack looked he was almost in tears. "Wow, Grace. I didn't know that I'm so sorry," Jack said as he put me back in the bed with (Y/N).

I looked at him as I wiped my tears, "Please don't cry Jack, I don't want you to cry," I said. He looked at me with gentle eyes. "Don't worry, I won't cry. I think it's time we head to bed, it is 3 in the morning." Jack replied.

"Ok," I replied. I got up and hugged him before he could go get in his own bed. Jack wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"Goodnight Jack," I whisper in his ear.
"Goodnight," He replied as he let go and went to his bed. I sat back down beside (Y/N), and pulled the sheets up and fall back asleep, holding onto (Y/N)'s arm.

If you cried at this chapter I'm super sorry. I cried whilst writing it. I didn't want to kill off anyone this early, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

re-written in 2020, this story is so shit i'm so sorry

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