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How many chapters come out a day?
How many that I can be bothered to write. Which is normally 1-2. (note from 4 months later, i wish i could write 1-2 chapters a day)

Where do you get the ideas for chapters?
My so-called brain, and the internet which is also known as YouTube.

Why do you include Mark and Jack in all your stories?
Because they seem like interesting people to write about. And I have a story called I'll protect you. Which isn't a Mark and Jack story, it's a danisnotonfire x AmazingPhil

Have you met the people in your stories?
No, but I wish I could, well if you include seeing them through youtube then yes but in reality no. I'll probably be the same height as Jack and his friends but compared to Dan and Phil, I'll be an ant. UPDATE ON MAY 18TH 2018 I TRAVELLED AN HOUR TO PLYMOUTH AND MET DAN AND PHIL. THEY'RE SO FUCKING TALL. IGNORE MY BAD ENGLISH WORD BUT I SAW THEM, I HAVE A PICTURE BUT DON'T WANNA SHARE AS NO ONE WANTS TO SEE MY UGLY FACE. BUT AHHHHHH IT WAS AWSOME

Why do you write stories?
Because I have no life, friends or social life. Also cause I get bored of playing on my Xbox and the sims 3 or 4  24/7

What advice do you have for people who want to become an author?
Don't hesitate to write something you want to write before I wrote I'll always be there for you, I was petrified to write about something I enjoyed and then I just started writing without noticing I wrote something I was willing to accept was good enough to post and it just went over 100 reads so thank you, anyway, what was the question, oh yeah, just go with what your heart desires. :) :D

If you didn't write, what would you do for a hobby?
I don't really 100% know but I would probably go back to when I was younger I wanted to be-, yeah no that's not possible, I don't know if this is true but Americans have a job of people testing out beds like if they are comfortable and get to sleep in it for a bit, I would be that. lol. again sarcasm. I actually want to be in a different country like Japan or something

How many hours a day do you write?
Either on a weekday (Monday - Friday) 5-6 and on the weekends (Saturday - Sunday) 5-12. So in a week I either do 10 - 18 hours of writing and that isn't including the hours the wifi decides to be a prick and switch off.

What's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite gender?
That I don't know what it's like being a god damn dude and I've only been a non-binary for 15 years (im literally updating this every year to change the number 14 current number to however old i am)

lol i came out as trans. maybe i do know what its like to be a dude 👉👈

I remember reading this a long time ago and I loved it! But I remember there was a sequel? Idk
There used to be a sequel but I deleted because I never updated it, sorry,

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