Chapter 14

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Dan was still on the ground after we went into the RV. We all decided to play Truth or dare every now and then Phil would look outside at his best friend,

Once we were sick of Truth or Dare, we decided to tell scary stories to pass the time. I was sitting next to Grace on our bed. Phil was on the ground, Mark was standing in the kitchen. Felix and Marzia were sitting on the ground.

"And those kids were never found again. Everybody is wondering if the masked murderer is still out there. Waiting in the shadows, for his next victims." Mark ended his story about 5 children lost in the woods and then died from some mask murderer. Then 3 more children went to find them and got lost.

Grace, being the really scared 6 year old, jumped into my lap and hugged me tightly. I hugged her and rubbed her back.

"Way to go Mark, you scared Grace." I said, jokingly.

"Oops... Sorry Grace," Mark said as he was chewing on a peice of bread, I looked up at him.

"Mark what are you eating?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"Ummm... Nothing!" He said turning around,

"He is eating your bread," Felix said.

"Mark! That is my only food and you promised you wouldn't eat it!" I shouted at him,

"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" Mark yelled as got on his knees and pleaded.

"Off with his head," I said, jokingly.

"Yes your majesty," Jack and Felix said, bowing in front of me. Grace giggled and sat down next to me again.

Jack and Felix walked over to Mark and picked him up, by his arms and carried him to the middle of the room. They put him down and pretended to cut his head off, Mark made a grunting noise and fell to the ground,

Grace was laughing, Marzia and I were giggling at the scene we just made, Mark got up and sat down on the bed Jack was laying on.

"Mark get up! I was sitting there," Jack said as he walking over to the bed.

"Move your feet, lose your seat."

"Fine whatever" Jack said as he started laying on top of Mark, he tried pushing Jack off and they had a war,

"SEPTIPLIER AWAY!" Marzia, Felix, Phil and I said at the same time. Jack and Mark stopped and looked at us all.

"Seriously?" They both asked looking at us. Then we all burst out laughing.

Then the door opened and Dan walked into the room.

Everybody stopped laughing, and looked around. Even Phil looked away from his best friend.

Jack immediately got up and sat down beside me, putting an around me in the process. Dan shot Jack a death glare, and Jack returned the glare.

Grace stared at them. "Why is everyone so silent?" Grace asked, looking around,

"How about we all play a game?" Phil asked

"Truth or Dare?" I asked, looking at everyone.

"Sure..." Everybody mumbled except Dan and Jack,

I looked over at Jack and he was having a death glare contest with Dan. I elbowed Jack in the gut, he looks down at me.

"Can you two please stop? All you two have been doing is staring into each other's souls! Just stop so so the rest of us could have fun. I shouted at them.

"I'll stop if he stops" Jack said pointing at Dan.

"And I'll stop if you kiss me," Dan said pointing at me.

Everybody was silent after that, even Grace. Phil was staring down at the ground, Felix and Marzia stared at Dan. Mark and Jack stared at me.

"I'll be outside," I said as I stood up and walked past Dan, and went outside. I jumped on top of the RV and sat down for some fresh air. I put my head in my hands and listened to nature's songs (A/N: Leaves moving; birds chirping; wind whistling; etc).

"(Y/N)? Are you up here?" The familiar Irish voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm up here Jack" I said through my hands.

I could feel the RV shake when he walked up the ladder and sat down next to me. "Are you ok?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah, just a little annoyed" I replied.

"I'm sorry Dan is acting like that" Jack said staring off into the distance.

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault," I said looking at him.

"He shouldn't be acting like that. I don't know why he is acting so weird," Jack replied.

I looked back down, "He never acted like that before... Like 3 years ago," I said, as I looked at the sky. The sun was setting and the sky was pink and orange,

"Anyways I wanted to ask you a question," Jack said staring at me.

I look at him "Ask away," I said.

"Do you wanna go on a date tonight?" He asked

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