Chapter 4

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The next few days went by in a blink of an eye. It was time. September 1st. I woke up and took a shower. I quickly dried my hair before getting dressed. I put on a pair of black leggings, a black shirt and a camo army jacket. For shoes, I slipped on a pair of army green boots. My trunk was already waiting for me downstairs. I grabbed a book and a beanie before walking down. My father was sitting at the table reading the daily profit and eating breakfast. I walked in and grabbed an apple from the bowl.

"What time will we be leaving?" I asked.

Sev swiftly closed the paper before looking at the clock. "Right now." 

I looked down at my apple. "I guess ill eat this on the train." I spoke before slipping my book under my arm and the apple into my jacket pocket.

 My father stood up and handed me a bag. "These are your school robes. You will get your house robe and tie in your dormitory. You are expected to wear these when you arrive."

I stared at the bag. "There's uniforms?"

"Yes. Make sure you changed into them before the train arrives." 

I nodded, taking the bag, placing my book inside for easy carrying. We walked into the living room. Crow sat in his cage by my trunk, patiently waiting to leave. I smiled and walked over.

"Are you ready, Crow?" I asked, feeding the bird a treat. 

He ruffled his feathers. I grabbed the cage while Sev grabbed my trunk. 

Soon, we arrived at Kings Cross. We put all of my stuff on a cart.

"Remember how to get there?" My father asked.

 I nodded, smiling up at him. "Yup. This is the only time running into walls will be good." 

Sev smiled. "Ill see you in a few hours." 

He quickly kissed my head before walking off. I took a deep breath before walking to platform. There was two boys with carts, a lady and a little girl. One of the boys stood back from them.

"Excuse me!" He said. I slowly approached.

"Yes dear?"

"How do you..." He trailed out.

"How do you get to the platform? Don't worry, its Ron's first year at Hogwarts too. All you do is walk straight at the wall between platform 9 and 10. You can run if your nervous." The lady explained. 

The boy took a deep breath before doing what she said. The other boy went after. The lady was about to head in with the little girl but stopped when she saw me.

"Go ahead, dear. Don't want to miss the train." 

I smiled and thanked her, before running through the wall. My mouth dropped as I came through the other side. I put my luggage where was supposed to go and gave Crow to the person who was taking everyone's pets, before walking on to the train. A bunch of kids were talking to each other and claiming compartments. I walked till I found one with a single person. It was the boy who didn't know how to get through.

"Hey, mind if I sit with you?" I shyly asked. 

The boy smiled. "Of course not, have a seat." 

I smiled, sitting down after taking out my book and placing my uniform bag on the overhead rack.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

 My eyes widened. Just my luck, i'm sitting with my brother.

"I'm Luna Crow."

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