Chapter 38

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I was released from the hospital wing the next day. Draco showed me to my room. I looked around at everything, sitting down on the bed. I picked up a stuffed bunny.

"I got you that at Chuck-E-Cheese during summer when we were in America." 

I smiled. "It's cute."

"Yeah, I actually call you bunny." 

I giggled. "What do I call you? Idiot?" 

Draco chuckled. "Idiot sometimes but mostly Dray." 

"Dray, I like it."

 Draco smiled and sat down next to me. I shifted so I was facing him. It was silent until Draco broke it. "This is awkward." 

 I nodded. biting my lip. "I wish I could regain my memories faster." 

Draco agreed. "Maybe there is something we could do to trigger it? Like reenacting stuff that happened?"

"Sure, if that's possible." 

Draco bit his lip, thinking. I couldn't help but stare. I mean we are dating, so it wouldn't be wrong if I kissed him. Right? 

"C-can I try something?" I stuttered.

He looked at me confused but still nodded. I scooted closer, placing a hand on his cheek. My eyes flickered down to his lips before back to his icy eyes. He caught on to what I was going to do. Draco placed his hands on my hips. We both started leaning in, our lips parted. We stopped inches away. I closed the gap, softly placing my lips on his. He reacted immediately.

"I've missed kissing you," He whispered when we pulled away.

His breath fanned across my lips. Even though I had no recollection of anything from our relationship, my lips tingled and felt cold without his. They ached to be connected with his. I placed my lips back on his for a few seconds before pulling away. It felt right to be kissing him. Something inside me just knew it was supposed to be. 

"Im hungry," I mumbled, looking up at him through my lashes. He cracked a smile.

"Of course you are. Let's head to breakfast."

He stood up and held out a hand, pulling me off the bed. I didn't want to let go of his hand. I couldn't figure out why I felt this way. Not being able to remember meeting him or any of our interactions, you'd think I would be wary around him. But in reality...I felt safe and secure.  We walked hand in hand to breakfast. The dining hall wasn't too packed. I spotted Harry.

"Can we sit with Harry or is there a seating placement?" 

Draco looked over at him skeptically. "Uhh- no. It's just not normal for Slytherins to be sitting at the Gryffindor table. I might get beat up for trying." 

I smiled. "I'll protect you." I gave him the puppy dog looked. 

He tried to hold back. "Fine."

I cheered, pecking his cheek. We walked over to the Gryffindor table. I sat down but Draco stayed standing. Everyone watching must be making him feel uncomfortable.

 I smiled softly up at him. "It's okay." I pulled on his hand. 

He took a deep breath before sitting down next to me. Whispers broke out as his butt hit the bench. George, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and Harry stared at Draco with wide eyes. Other Gryffindor's looked at him like he was insane. A younger redhead sat down without noticing Draco. When she did, her eyes widened in shock.


I smiled. "I'm Luna." 

She looked at me confused. "I know..."

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